The reagans 2 cents

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It was Christmas Day and the whole family was due for an early dinner at the big house.

"I hope this cheesecake is good" Eddie said looking down at in her lap.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Jamie asked driving slow through the blistering snow fall.

"I don't know. Never made one." Eddie said, Jamie looked at her thinking she was kidding and then laughed when he realized she wasn't.

"Ha..." she laughed back with him.

"Are you nervous?" Eddie asked him.

"What? About what?" He was confused.

"Telling them about the baby." She said.

"Oh. No? Why? Are you?" He asked.

"Well no. I just don't want them to judge." She said.

"Judge what? That we had a lot of sex?" Jamie joked.

"No I don't know. I guess Danny knows already. And we did not have a lot of sex." Eddie told him.

"Janko" Jamie cocked his head and glared at her.

"Reagan." She did back.

"I think 5 times a week is a lot." He said smiling.

"Not when you couldn't for 6 weeks..." she said bugging her eyes out. Jamie laughed and pulled up to the house.

"Let me walk you to the door and then I'll come get Lainey." He said and turned off the car.

"I'm fine Jamie" she excused and got out Jamie didn't care he wasn't about to let her slip and fall in the blizzard/icy spots up the walk, pregnant or not.

Once he safely got her to the door he went back to get Alaina and the diaper bag.

"Aw why are you crying sweetie..?!" Eddie asked confused when he got to the door with her.

"I think she got snow on her face." He said and they walked inside.

"Hey!" Danny said.

"Merry Christmas!" Frank exclaimed.

"Uh oh someone's not excited." Pop said when he saw Alaina was upset.

"She got the snow on her face and in her jacket." Eddie told them and went to take her from Jamie because she was holding her arms out to her. Everyone was "Aw" feeling bad standing there watching.

"Take her coat off." Eddie told Jamie with wide eyes.

"Now?" He said quietly through his teeth.

"Mhm" she nodded.

"Well foods about ready we'll wait for ya." Frank said and they all started walking away to the kitchen.

"Wait you guys have to see her shirt!" Eddie said panicked so they'd stop. They all did and waited for Jamie to get it off her.

"You're okay sweetie! Here look, let's show everyone your shirt!" Eddie said bouncing her up and down on her hip and turning her around. Jamie smiled and watched everyone's faces grow in complete surprise and shock.

The shirt said "Santa is promoting me to big sister-July 2022"

"What!?" Erin said excited.

"Oh my god!" Nikki said.

"Wow, really!?" Frank asked making Eddie and Jamie laugh.

"Yup!" Eddie said smiling.

"This is huge!" Pop said.

"I knew about it, congrats guys." Danny bragged with a smile.

"What!? How come he knew!?" Joe asked.

"Ya see when Eddie did that undercover op with us a couple weeks ago at the club I had to tell Danny because he was getting pissed she wouldn't drink anything the guys gave her." Jamie said.

"Sorry again." Danny said

"Jamie you let her do that pregnant..!?" Frank questioned making Jamie swallow hard and get nervous.

"Yes. And She did great." Jamie exclaimed.

"Huh son..." frank shook his head.

"I know probably not too smart but hey it's all good." Eddie said. Frank gave her a hug and said congratulations in her ear.

"Alright let's eat." Danny said and started back to the dining room. Everyone followed and sat down to start the prayer.

"Oh you know what, I should take that off her before she gets it messed up." Eddie said looking at Alaina sitting in Jamie's lap.

"Good idea." He said and scooted his chair out to help.

"Using the the same announcement on your parents tomorrow?" Erin asked smiling.

"My mom yeah." Eddie said and folded the shirt up quick.

"Your dad got out recently though?" Erin asked. Jamie widened his eyes at her and shook his head aggressively at her to shut up.

"Yeah but we are not going to be speaking to him or making him apart of our lives." Eddie said picking up her fork to cut up ham. Everyone was surprised but knew not to ask anymore by Jamie's face.

"did you wanna feed her now too or wait? She's trying to get my food?" Jamie asked her.

"Yeah I guess." She got up and left the room to get it.

"No one say anything about her dad it's a sore subject! Her and her mom butt heads about it." Jamie said quickly and quietly before Eddie came back.

"Sorry." Erin apologized.

"Why? He didn't physically hurt anyone?" Pop asked confused.

"Pop.." frank called out but was too late.

"Who didn't hurt anyone?" Eddie asked overhearing the end of the conversation. Jamie panicked and cleared his throat.

"Nothing babe, sit down, I'll feed her so you can eat." Jamie said and held his hand out for the jar of baby food. You could feel the awkwardness fill the room.

"No I wanna know who you're talking about." Eddie said and crossed her arms.

"Huh. I was just telling them not to bring up your dad. That it's a sore subject. Just come sit down please." Jamie said.

"And what? No one understands why?" Eddie confronted. Everyone said no we do, trying to stop the conversation.

"Just because he didn't kill someone means nothing. He hurt so many innocent families and put so many people out of a job. He lied to everyone, my mom, and me." Eddie rambled in defense.

"Eddie I'm sorry I asked. Don't feel like you have to explain." Erin said.

"My children will not know him. They have enough family that will love and support them sitting at this table." Eddie said shaking her head in frustration. Jamie scratched her back.

"Good for you." Pop said.

"We aren't here to judge you." Nikki told her. Eddie rolled her eyes thinking that was a lie.

"You raise your kids how you want. That's the beauty of living in America." Danny said.

"Yeah and I'm proud of you. Stand up for yourself. Don't let your mom try and convey you the other way." Frank told her. Eddie looked at him and nodded taking his advice to the heart.

"Thank you." She said and they dropped the subject to finish eating Christmas Dinner.

What did you think about Eddies decision? Do you think she will have second thoughts and go to another Reagan for their thoughts and advice later?

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