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Date: Friday June 2nd 2023
Alaina: 3 years
Ryan: 10 months


The next morning, Jamie headed off to work. Eddie had to take the day, the kids had a rough night and she had to take them to the doctors. She thinks they have ear infections.

When Jamie got to work Espinosa wanted to talk to him.

"Casey Reed came to talk to me last night, he said he was supposed to talk to you but you had left for the day." He said.

"Yes sir, kids were sick, I figured I'd catch him in the morning." Jamie said.

"Right, well he told me the dilemma. Officer Reed will be moved to a different house, rather switching partners." He said.

"Glad he picked that option." Jamie said.

"Oh he didn't pick it. I did, he wanted to stay in the same house as you offered. I said absolutely not." Espinosa stated.

"Oh...may I ask why sir?" Jamie wondered what was wrong with the other choice.

"Are you disagreeing with me?" Espinosa questioned.

"Not at all. That's the best option in my opinion too. Just wondering the harm in the never acted on me and Janko's situation." Jamie asked.

"Because I respect you both, and, you're moving up the ranks. Not riding together." He said.

"I see. So why move Reed and not Johnson?" He asked.

"Cause I don't like Reed. I think he's spiteful, cocky, has no respect for anyone, and he needs a fire lit under his ass." Espinosa didn't hold back.

"Couldn't agree more, sir." Jamie said.

"Good. That'll be all." He replied and Jamie left.
After roll call Jamie headed back to his office before he got to work. He wanted to check up on Eddie.

She had texted him an update, both kids have ear infections, and are tired and cranky. Jamie decided to call her.

"Hello?" Eddie answered.

"Hey, do you need me to come home?" He asked.

"Well that would be very helpful but someone's gotta work today and I'd rather it be you." She replied.

"Yeah...well I'm really-"

"Lainey...sweetie it's okay, you can still eat it" Eddie was distracted, all Jamie heard was the commotion and crying in the background.

"I have to go." She said sighing.

"Yeah okay well hey, how bout I try to sneak out of here early and maybe you can go out for the evening." Jamie suggested.

"With who?"

"I don't know. Erin? Cassidy?"

"Oh yes, I'm sure Cassidy would love to go get a drink with me..." Eddie said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." Jamie said.

"Yeah yeah, okay gotta go bye."

"Love you." Jamie said and hung up.

"Why am I moving houses?!" Reed called out from the doorway, Jamie turned around to see him.

"Because that's what the CO wants so you can take it up with him." Jamie answered.

"But YOU said we could just get new partners, same house"

"Sorry that's no longer an option, it's out of my hands now." Jamie said.

"I want to fight this." Reed said angrily. Jamie raised his eyebrows.

"Like I said, take it up with the CO or, better yet, take it up with 1PP." Jamie suggested arguing back.

"UNBELIEVABLE" Casey got loud. Jamie felt threatened so he stood up, crossing his arms. Making eye contact with Espinosa, looking beyond Casey, he got up from his desk and was making his way over.

"TRYNA SCARE ME!?" Casey yelled again, this time drawing more attention.

"You need to calm down and leave." Jamie said.


"THERE A PROBLEM HERE!?" Espinosa interrupted.

"Get him out of here." Jamie said having no time for this bull shit and shut the door on them. He sat back down at his desk to work.


Later that night after Jamie was home and the kids were in bed, Eddie was taking the evening off like Jamie suggested. Her and Cassidy were going for mock-tails.

"Alrighty I'm out." Eddie came out of the bedroom

"Okay" Jamie said distracted watching something on tv, she kissed him and headed for the door.

"Woah Woah wait." Jamie was caught off guard by her outfit.

"Cassidy's already waiting for me." She said getting her purse together.

"Is that what you're wearing?"

"What do you mean? You don't like it?" She asked confused.

"Uh no I like it a lot." He said and got up.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Eddie it's too much" he told her.

"What's too much?!"

"Babe your lingerie shows less skin then this." He said, Eddie couldn't believe this.

"So I'm not allowed to let my girls breathe? I wear the most unflattering uniform everyday, buttoned up to my neck, my ass looks awful in the pants, not to mention the belt makes me hips look way wider then they already are!" She argued.

"But why do you care what people think or see? You're married, and I think you're hot no matter what you're wearing, shouldn't that be all that matters." He asked.

"You don't get it. I'm not changing. Goodbye." She said and started for the door.

"Woah Woah wait Eddie, Eddie, hang on." He grabbed her arm.

"I don't want to fight Jamie! I wanna go enjoy myself." She argued.

"I'm not trying to fight, what don't I get?" He asked.

"You don't get how important it is for me to get a break from this life, get out and enjoy myself, feel human, feel like a WOMEN. Just because I'm wearing this...doesn't mean I'm looking for attention or to make you jealous, I'm just trying to be me." She explained.

"Okay." He said.

"Okay?" Eddie raised her eyebrows waiting for him to say more then that.

"Sorry. Have fun, I'll see you when you get home." He said.

"Yup, bye." She said and left.

"So your how many weeks now?!" Eddie asked Cassidy after getting them both drinks.

"12 tomorrow! Can't wait to be out of the 1st trimester." Cassidy said as they sat in a booth.

"Oh yeah. 2nd trimester is the best. I think." Eddie said.

"I hope so. This morning/evening sickness sucks. I'm ready to get back to normal, and so is Joe." She said.

"I bet. You spend half your time in the bathroom, sorta takes away from the romance." Eddie laughed.

"Ugh yeah, I feel so bad. I read after the 1st trimester your hormones can really come into play." She said.

"Oh yeah...your libido may surprise you" Eddie laughed thinking back to how high hers was.

"Haha I hope so, poor Joe, it's all he wants and I just can't give any." She said.

"I'm sure it'll get better. Mine was...intense...I'll just say that." Eddie smiled.

"Really?" Cassidy started to laugh with her.

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