Night Adventure

309 3 0

Sunday September 4th 2021


It was storming like crazy, thunder and lightning woke up Laina. It woke up Jamie and Eddie too.

"Did you get milk out or did you want to nurse?" Jamie asked getting out of bed to get her.

"I got milk out. I'll get her while you make it though." Eddie said yawning also getting up thinking Alaina was scared more then hungry first.

"Hi's okay..." Eddie told her when she scooped her up into her arms to soothe her. She sat in the rocking chair as she started to calm down. When all of a sudden the sound machine/night light turned off, along with the hall light that was shining into the room. Eddie got up to find Jamie.

"Okay, well this is still cold..." Jamie said walking over to Eddie in the pitch black. She took the bottle to see if she'd even drink it, she wouldn't. She just cried.

"No." Eddie gave the bottle back to Jamie and took her to their bed to feed her herself. Thank god for breast feeding she thought. Jamie put the bottle away and joined Eddie in the dark. Alaina was still crying even though Eddie was trying to feed her.

"Guess she's not hungry?" Jamie asked only being able to see the shadow of her struggling.

"I mean she should be, she ate last at 9..." Eddie said and kept trying to get her to latch onto her.

"Hm." Jamie didn't know what to do or say.

"I don't understand she's like not sucking, she's just like playing with it." Eddie said describing the situation to Jamie.

"Maybe she doesn't feel good." He said.

"Go get her thermometer...she does feel warm." Eddie told him.

He came back and took her temperature. It read 100.4 degrees. Eddie put her boob away and went to get tylonel for her. Jamie stumbled in the dark with her, he held a flashlight up for her to find it while Alaina was still fussy and crying in her arms.

"Okay. Shh." Eddie laid her on the changing table and measured out the correct amount, Jamie still holding the light for her. The crying was rattling Eddies brain it was so loud. She didn't want the medicine so Jamie ended up having to hold her while Eddie gave it to her.

"Alaina...just take it. You'll feel better." She told her. Jamie could tell she was getting frustrated because she'd spit some out and it was getting all over Eddies fingers and Alainas shirt.

"Okay. Good. Done." Eddie said bluntly when it was all. She left the room with the syringe. Jamie went to see where she was going. She went to turn on the kitchen sink to rinse it and wash her hands.

"Ugh!" Eddie let out, obviously forgetting the power was out and there was no water. She went back to the nursery and used a baby wipe instead.

"What's wrong? Why are you frustrated?" Jamie asked.

"Her crying gave me a headache. I don't know why she has a fever and I don't know why she won't eat." She said.

"Okay well-" Jamie was going to try and calm her down but she kept talking.

"And the electric is out!" She added.

"Eddie. Relax...I'll take care of her, go take Advil or something." He told her.

"No Jamie I want to call her pediatrician." Eddie told him and went to their bedroom to get her phone.

"For what?" He asked following her, Lainey was still whining and fussy.

"To see what they say! Now I can't hear so please go in another room with her..!" She said holding the phone up to her ear and shooing him away.

He just turned around to the nursery, sat in the rocking chair with her, and gave her a binky. Listening to Eddie in the other room on the phone with her pediatrician. Jamie laid Lainey on her belly upright on his bare chest and rubbed her back while she still fussed a little. He rested his head back still tired and hummed a random song quietly as he rocked. She stopped crying so Jamie didn't stop.

He heard Eddie hang up and then she came in the room with a flashlight.

"Oh. Is she sleeping?" She whispered when she saw What Jamie was doing.

"Almost." He said and kept rocking.

"Well they said she could be cutting a tooth beings it was a lower temp and she just kinda played with it when I fed her." She said.

"So what'd they say to do?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, give her tylonel which we did and try and feed her again in a bit." Eddie told him.

"See Janko we got it.." Jamie reassured her.

"I know I just worry." She said. Jamie got up slowly and laid her in her crib. They left quietly and went back to bed.

"Next time she wakes up she's gotta be hungry." Eddie said when they laid back down to sleep. Jamie's phone rang as soon as he hit the pillow.

"Hello?" He said and then held for a break so the other person could talk.

"I'll be there in 15." Jamie said hanging up and sighing.

"Woah wait where are you going?" Eddie said before he could say. Jamie started to get dressed quick.

"Work. Powers out over there too." He told her.

"So? They don't know how to work without you?" Eddie said, she didn't want to be home by herself with a sick baby.

"Eddie what?" Jaime asked after getting the cold shoulder from her a little.

"Nothing." She laid back down and turned her back toward him to go back to sleep.

"No what?" He asked.

"Nothing bye." She said bluntly.

"Janko I think Laina's fine.." he said guessing that's what her concern was.

"Yup." She said still laying there.

"Eddie it's not like I volunteered..." he told her.

"Then go." She said.

"Okay well don't be mad at me. I'll see you in the morning, love you.." he said and gently rubbed her shoulder. She didn't say anything so he left.

A few minutes later Eddies phone rang but she was still trying to fall asleep. Her motherly instincts were making it hard.

"Hello?" Eddie said.

"Hey it's Joe, sorry if I woke you..?" He asked.

"Hey, no you didn't Lainey's been a mess." Eddie said sighing in exhaustion.

"I passed Jamie on my way out. He said your building was out of power." Joe said.

"Oh yeah it is still." Eddie said unsure of why he was calling.

"He said Alaina was running a fever, is there anything you need for her?" He asked concerned.

"Oh no I don't think so. But thank you so much for checking in!" Eddie said thinking that was really sweet of him.

"Are you sure? Even a break? Jamie said you were pretty tired." He asked.

"Ha, I'm really okay. Thank you so much though. That's really sweet." Eddie told him.

"Hey no problem, just wanted to check in on you two. You can always call me" He said and then they said bye and hung up. Eddie was so glad to have Joe as Alainas god father. He genuinely cared so much for her. Nikki was away with work a lot so it was nice that one of them was around often.

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