Ryans 1st Birthday

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Date: Tuesday July 11th 2023
Alaina: 3 years
Ryan: 1 year

Today was Ryan's 1st birthday and Eddie who was just about 8 weeks pregnant was pretty emotional about it.

Jamie let her relax this morning and he was gonna take care of the kids.

"Eddie you want eggs too?" He asked.

"Sure. Come here birthday boy...you still didn't give me a KISS!" Eddie said and grabbed Ryan to join her on the couch. He giggled as she tickled him.

"Lain...eggs and sausage or eggs and bacon?" Jamie asked.

"Beecan." She answered.

"You got it, Eddie?" He asked her.


"And APPLE JUICE!" Alaina yelled as if she wasn't close by that Jamie wouldn't hear her.

"Wow okay, you don't have to yell Lain. I'm right here." He told her.

Jamie got everyone's plates made up and set them at the table.

"Alright it's ready, come eat." He called out. Lainey ran and got in her seat, and Jamie put Ryan in his high chair.

"You coming Eddie?" He noticed she was still on the couch. Jamie went over to see why, she was crying.

"I'm coming." She wiped her tears and got up.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just stupid little things. It's nothing, hormones?" She said and tried to laugh it off.

"Are you sure?" He held his hand on her back.

"Yeah." She continued over to sit down at the table and Jamie followed.
After breakfast they cleaned up and played for awhile all together.

"I want to pay wit paydough." Alaina said.

"How bout we do that when Ry's down for his nap?" Eddie asked.

"Noooo now."

"Not right now Lain, later." Jamie said. Lainey scowled at him, Jamie trying not to laugh kept a raised eyebrow serious face at her.

"Peeees!" She yelled.

"Alaina no!" Eddie yelled at her, then Lainey started crying and laid on the couch. So pitiful yet so sad. Jamie started laughing to himself, Eddie didn't, Eddie's hormones were all out of wack she was sad too now.

"Hey...no means no..." Jamie told her when she made a pouty face at him.

"I know." Eddie said almost crying. She got up and went to the bathroom half embarrassed by her hormones being so out of wack.

"Damn it." Jamie said to himself sighing.

A little while later Ryan was finally down for his nap, and Eddie sat down with Alaina to do play dough, Jamie was on the computer on the couch handling work stuff.

"I want da boo one, you have yewoah." Alaina told Eddie and split up all the play dough for them.

"Alright and what are we making today?" Eddie asked rolling out the dough.

"Cookies!" She said.

"Ooo yummy. Too bad we can't actually eat it huh?"

"Ya, it okay toe." She said and started rolling out her dough. The smell of the play dough lingered and Eddie immediately got nauseous from it.

"Jamie watch her." Eddie got up from the table and ran to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" He asked right as she shut the door behind her, he got up to monitor Alaina.

"Where mommy go?"

"Potty." He said.

Eddie came out and didn't look good, she looked tired too.

"Ya okay?" Jamie asked her concerned.

"Just threw up. I can't be around that play dough." She said and sat on the couch.

"Oh really? Let's clean this up Lainey, we'll play with something else okay?" Jamie said.

"No!!!!" She started screaming.

"No it's okay, she can play. I'll go lay down, I'm tired anyway," Eddie said and left.

"Alright, guess it's just me and you" he said and sat down with his daughter to continue making play dough cookies.
After Ryan and Eddie woke up from their naps, they let Ryan open his birthday presents so he could play with them the rest of the day. His favorite was this pop up tent that was a ball pit. Him and Alaina played in it surprisingly great together. Jamie and Eddie were able to relax on the couch together, hearing giggles from the play room.

"Sorry you're feeling sick. Wish I could help somehow." Jamie said rubbing her back.

"Me too."

"Hopefully it goes away sooner then last time."

"Huh your telling me. I'm worried about work tomorrow." She said.

"You'll be at the precinct with me all day, what's to worry about?"

"Your putting me on desk duty tomorrow already!?"

"Um yes...?" Jamie was confused at her confusion.

"No one knows yet! There gonna figure that out right away!" She argued.

"Eddie I don't care. You know the rules."

"Jamie why can't I just take lighter work? Like monitor events or-"

"No." He said.

"Huh. Okay...whatever you say." She said trying to make peace with Jamie's call as her sergeant and husband.

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