Learning The Ropes

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Saturday August 14th 2021

Jamie and Eddie were both off today. They were making Sunday dinner so they had to run a few errands to get stuff for that.

"Oh I almost forgot we can introduce her to cereal the doctor said!" Eddie remembered as Jamie loaded a box of diapers into the cart.

"Yeah? Well where's that at?" He asked and they walked around to the baby food shelves.

"Wow." Eddie said looking at it all the different kinds of foods and snacks. It was overwhelming. Even just the baby cereal had about 10 options!? Eddie immediately was overwhelmed and didn't know what to get.

"You sure they didn't give you any kind of instruction manual when we brought her home?" Jamie asked joking.

"Ha...I wish. What the hells the difference between this one and this one?" Eddie asked putting them side by side. Jamie was just as clueless.

"I don't know Janko, let's just get one and see what happens?" He suggested. Eddie just picked one and they went on their way.

"I think she needs to be changed..." Eddie said smelling something foul coming from the car seat.

"I don't smell anything." Jamie said as they stood in the produce section while he was bagging fresh tomatoes.

"You don't smell that!?" Eddie said surprised because she would put money on the whole store smelling it. Jamie shook his head no and then walked over to stand where she was.

"Oh. Yeah that's bad. Haha." Jamie said and walked away from it.

"Yeah see." Eddie said unbuckling her and taking her out of the car seat.

"Come on stinker..." Eddie said putting Alaina up in her shoulder. Jamie handed her the diaper bag and she walked off to the restrooms.

"Good luck." Jamie said watching her walk away. Eddie turned around with a fake smile, Jamie laughed and winked at her.
Jamie was waiting in a long checkout line when he saw Eddie come out of the bathroom.

"Eddie." Jamie called out to flag her down where he was but she didn't hear him.

"Janko" Jamie yelled louder and then she looked.

"Oh, was I that long?" She asked putting Lainey back in the car seat.

"No you're good." He said.

"It was almost up her back which had me thinking...maybe she needs the next size diaper." Eddie said.

"There's sizes!?" Jamie said shocked.

"Ha...yeah! She's in newborn diapers I think she needs size 1." Eddie said laughing and taking the box of diapers out that they got earlier. Jamie had no idea they're were sizes when it came to a baby verses a toddler. He just never really gave it much thought.

"Jamie...these are size 3!" Eddie pointed out.

"I didn't know there were different sizes I just saw pampers with a baby on the box!" He said laughing and shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh my god...hahaha" Eddie laughed and walked away to go switch out the boxes.

After they checked out they made their way to the car.

"It is beautiful today!" Eddie said observing the sun shining, blue skies, a nice breeze.

"Yeah, we should go for a run through the park later." Jamie suggested.

"Eh can we just compromise and go for a walk? Oo! Can we have a picnic!? Like bring a blanket and sit in the grass!" Eddie said getting excited.

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