Handicrafts are Deadly in the BReboot-Ghost Game Detective AU!

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AU Bio: 

A world inspired by some miscellaneous detective and crime dramas. Various characters become detectives. It is set in the same world as Meetings and Conspiracies, but the setting switches between Japan and Las Volmos, in the International Japanese-American Police Station.


Dan Kouzo -> Major in forensic psychology and criminal psychology. Focuses on the emotional side of stuff. Member of Violent Crimes' Unit 3. Justice-oriented and a bit brash, but he has good intentions. French-descended Japanese-American.

Amanokawa Hiro -> Major in digital forensics. Focuses on the data aspect of cases, excellent programmer but also socially awkward. Former member of Digital Crimes' Unit 1, but moved to Violent Crimes' Unit 3 following a case that leads him to meet Dan. Japanese-American.

Tsukiyono Ruri -> Major in media and communication. Focuses on the social media aspect of cases, really excitable and righteous. Hiro's friend from junior high. Member of Violent Crimes' Unit 3. Dating Kiyoshiro. Japanese. 

Lia Venegas -> Major in film studies and digital forensics. Focuses on the CCTV aspect of cases, excellent video editor who can point out inconsistencies, but has a temper. Dan's friend from elementary. Dating Wynton. Member of Violent Crimes' Unit 3. Colombian-American.

Wynton Styles -> Major in computer programming. Focuses on the clue searching aspect of cases, a prankster with a huge heart despite his own humility. Dan's childhood best friend. Dating Lia. Member of Digital Crimes' Unit 1. African-American. 

Ajit Storm -> Major in counseling psychology. Focuses on the victim supporting aspect of cases,  a former phantom thief who's turned a new leaf and knows the best way to calm someone down. Once nearly got into trouble with the police due to stealing in order to pay off his bills, but went to rehab and came out a better person. Dating Shun. Member of Victim Protection Unit. Indian-American. 

Kazami Shun -> Major in business psychology. Focuses on the economical supporting aspect of cases. Very calm and is the one who helped Ajit through rehab. A huge Tomphy despite his looks. Dating Ajit. Member of Tax Investigation Bureau. Japanese. 

Lightni "Lightning" Dusk -> Major in Law.  Judge from the American-Japanese embassy who's guided Dan, Lia, Wynton, Shun and Ajit through their various problems. Excitable but also very sleepy, tends to focus during trials though. French-American. 88 years old. Dating Buldy.

Lillian "Buldy" Valdez -> Major in Law. Judge from the American-Japanese embassy. Serious, cute, and easily embarrassed. Dating Lightning. Indonesian-American. 84 years old. 

Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro -> Early Major in Digital Programming. Focuses on data inconsistency aspect of cases, smart but also easily scared. Member of Digital Crimes' Unit 1. Dating Ruri. Japanese.

Crocheter = ? -> Mysterious serial killer who goes around strangling people with crocheted ropes of their own. True identity unknown. 

It will be added to as I go. Any suggestions and ideas can be given as comments below. 

Small Oneshot

"So that case was some sort of bipolar situation from childhood issues?"

"Yeah," A brown-haired male with a prominent red streak in his hair replied to his professor through a voice call as he walked to his workplace. "We managed to break through after lots of work, and I got someone to send him to rehab."

'That's great Dan," Professor Bliss smiled upon hearing that. "You're quite proficient in this aren't you?"

"Oh really? I wouldn't have gotten this far without your patience in teaching me, even now," He admitted. "So thanks, Professor Bliss."

"Seeing my students use their lessons to help others is always a pleasure," The older female chuckled.

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