CHAPTER 57- Cheesecake!

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It really isn't about the other person.
It's about you!
It's about your heart and your soul being at peace.
It's about you, healing and moving on.
It's about you, not letting the past hold you hostage anymore.
It's the fragrance that flowers give.
When they are crushed.



My first thought when I reached her house was, 'Will she cancel this date too?'

I couldn't help but feel nervous every now and then with her. I just wanted her to feel special, but even a little thing could trigger her. She's been on edge lately, but I guess that makes the both of us as we're new to this whole thing. We both don't know how to behave around each other and we have no idea what to do either, but I'm trying my best to not let her down and I know she's doing the same.

Of course, there's the whole Aahil thing, but I don't totally blame her for that as she's oblivious to the truth, but I do blame her for not listening to me after I've asked her countless of times to stay away from him. But no, she has to be stubborn like always.

Shaking my head to get rid of Aahil's thoughts, I got out of my car and walked to her front door. Before I could knock, a very excited looking Ayman opened the door, and rushed past me to sit in my car.


I turned around to look at Omar, leaning against the door frame of the main entrance, giving me his 'big brother' look. "You best treat her a hundred times better than I do," he said in all seriousness.

Should I just cancel the dinner again? Because this is not making me nervous at all... Seriously though, why does Omar have to be so intimidating today of all days?

With all the confidence I had, I nodded my head in reply and was about to greet him, but just then, my eyes landed on her.

I was amazed and definitely impressed! Ayesha looked beautiful; she looked so different but in a good way. The last time I saw her all dressed up was at our engagement; after that, she never put an effort in dolling herself.

And the fact that she put an effort because it's our first dinner together made me so happy and unknowing smile.

I noticed I was smiling when I looked at Omar who was glaring at me, immediately making me drop my smile, I cleared my throat and said, "Uh, you look good" making it sound casual.

We were both feeling awkward and shy, or so I thought. I was definitely the only one feeling that way as I heard Ayesha say, "I know, because don't I always?"

This girl has enough confidence for both of us, or maybe she's just trying to mask her nervousness. I'll go with the latter!

I gave Omar one last look and nodded towards him. I honestly didn't know what to do or say to him.

As I walked towards my car, I went through all the tips that my mum had given me to make Ay feel special, starting with opening the car door for her.

Taking in a deep breath to prepare myself for the evening ahead, I opened the passenger side door for Ayesha just to find a very comfortable looking Ayman sitting there instead.

What? Why?

Before I could even make sense of why Ayman was sitting in my car, I saw Ayesha walk towards the backseat and ready to open the door, I quickly rushed to the other side and opened the door for her instead.

She gave me a confused look, "Yeah, because I don't have hands at all" she mocked, and then looked at me for a second before her eyes changed from confusion to realization as to what I was trying to do for her.

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