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Q- What inspired you to write this story?
A- To be honest, it's the close people in my life who inspired me to write. In my family, I'm somewhat a troublemaker and that's what pushed me to write a story which is somehow based on my life. Like I said before, all the characters in my book do exist in my real life and those people are the ones who inspired me to write.

Q- Have you ever fallen in love with someone?
A- Maybe my answer will disappoint you but it's the fact. Okay so love? Nah I don't think I've FALLEN IN LOVE with any human. Yes, I did have a liking for someone when I was younger, more like a crush but after some time I stopped liking him for no reason. As cliché as it sounds, I want to save the feeling of love for the special someone who will stay in my life permanently and not just a temporary crush.

Q- Detailed embarrassing moment of your life?
A- Eh, trust me they're many, I'll just mention the recent one. So I was sitting in our institute's computer lab, alone might I add and lost in my own world, I started singing the diamond castle from a Barbie movie which goes like this,

"Can't go back so we got to go on
we'll stick together staying strong
there's a diamond castle in my mind
and someday soon we're gonna find it"

So I was just in the middle if singing when I got interrupted with, "we'll help you find the diamond castle don't worry" and then followed by a sprawl of laughter. Yes, I didn't notice 5 boys enter the lab when I was singing and that was really embarrassing, the worst part was they were about 3-4 years younger than me but I felt like a kid singing Barbie in front of them.

Q- Your favorite dish?
A- Are you kidding me? Is that even a question? All food is my favorite food, it'll be unfair if I chose but if I did choose then obviously pizza with extra cheese *umm sorry the rest of you, but I love eating all of you too*... Oh and in desserts, everything which includes chocolate, I love the chocolate coffee biscuit pudding, it's just Sooo mouthwatering... Uggghhh I want to have some now!

Q- What is your hobby other than writing?
A- I love doing artwork or basically anything which is creative.

Q- What was the best moment of your life?
A- I love this question, it brings back all the lovely memories and always manages to make me smile no matter what. Okay, so I was gifted a journey of Hajj (visiting the holy Masjid) as a gift from my Dad on my birthday and nothing could ever be better than that. That was officially the best moment of my life. The day I raised my gaze to see the Holy Ka'aba for the first time was my birthday💚

Q- Are you a troublemaker yourself?
A- Yes, I love annoying my brothers and friends. I'm not exactly like Ayesha in my book though but I have troubled a lot of people in my life, specially my school teachers.

Q- How religious are you?
A- I can't exactly say how religious I am as I don't know if I'm worshipping my Lord correctly or not, but I try my best and take every chance I get to learn something new and act upon it.

Q- Do you wear the Hijab?
A- Yes, I do wear the Hijab, trust me it's the best feeling that you cover your beauty from others and keep it safe only for the special person to see it.

Q- How old are you?
A- So many people asked me this question, it was so funny that everyone wants to know my age. Okay, here it goes, I'm 20 years old!

Q- What's your favorite sport?
A- I love soccer and basketball.

Q- Do you love your Dad more or your mum?
A- Both of my parents hold a special place in my life, I love them both to bits but everyone says I'm more closer to my dad, even my mum says that but I know that I love them both equally.

Q- Coffee or tea?
A- COFFEE❤ yes, the heart just explains how much I love coffee.

Q- Do you write from past experiences or just from your imagination?
A- I've mentioned this in my bio too that I want my story to be as real as possible, most of the incidents have taken place in my life and I just add a little of my imagination to it.

Q- What's your nationality and which country are you from?
A- I am an Indian but I don't live there, I live in a little country on the map in the central part of Africa you might fail to even notice it namely Malawi. And before you go OMG that's so far... I'm gonna say, easy there mate I'm not inviting you over so don't worry about your imaginary journey... Lol just kidding you're most welcome.

Q- Who is your best friend and how did he/she become your best friend?
A- To be honest, I have 5 best friends, weird I know but what's more weird is these 5 people are not friends with each other, they're just friends with me. And how I became best friends with them I have no idea, we met, talked, smiled and valaaa we're best friends. Except for one of them though, we didn't meet but that person knows me more than the rest of them who goes by the name ZAZU.

Sooo, I hope my answers were okay and I'm still waiting for more questions, Ill be adding them in this chapter later. Also, the next chapter will be updated in a week as Eid is coming up and I'm really busy with preparations, sorry. Stay blessed!

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