Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Requests

        During the last week of April, unlike just playing games, The Leisure Games and Odd Jobs club members have fulfilled the latter part of their name.

After Ushio Tetsu, there are no blackmails or someone who came to their club with malicious intentions. The Second Request came from the Miss Librarian of Domino High School. It involves them helping in the task of cleaning the bookshelves and arranging the new books that arrived.

While they were doing the task, they also met the library committee members who were helping with the cleaning. And one of those members happened to be Nosaka Miho. Maybe, because of the last time, she can't stop giving Tokio her death glares.

It was obvious that he didn't leave any impressionable outlook on her last time they met even with his fairly good-looking appearance.

" Mayumi-chan you should leave that club! What if that rude guy does something to you? Miho wouldn't be able to do anything if that happens! "

Miho even started convincing her classmate to leave his club which he wouldn't allow since he have no intention of adding any more members than the minimum requirement.

" You didn't need to worry Miho. I assure you that despite being rude, he wouldn't do such heinous and immoral actions. "

"  Oh no! Can Miho ask if you have unknowingly fallen in love with that kind of bad guy?! "

Miho gasped dramatically while Mayumi screamed with a flustered expression because of her classmate's assumption.

" No, you're wrong! "

The other members of the library committee glared at her and place a finger on their lips telling her to be quiet. Miho wasn't also safe from the reprimanding.

Both of the girls bowed their heads. After the task was over, Risa chuckled when they were outside the library.

" It was an interesting event. Don't you think so, President? "

Under the scheming gaze, Tokio shook his head slightly.

" No... "

" So you don't think that it was interesting that Mayumi-chan likes you? "

" You and Miho have wrong assumptions. "

" Awww. Such a pity. Real-life events are boring. "

Risa muttered while Tomoyuki and Hailey are near her.

" That's why we have works of fiction for that Risa-san.."

Tomoyuki muttered beside her.

" Well, you are right. It is a pity that real-life events are so boring. "

As all of them left the library, Tokio thought that there is where they are wrong. Sometimes, real-life events are more interesting and wonderful than fiction considering that fiction is now his real life.

On the last day of April, their 3rd request was from the gardening club. Horo Tokio lay lazily on the bench of the rooftop while the members of his club glared at him.

In their hands was a pot of plants. The Gardening Club president requested that they wanted to add decor on the rooftop of the new building by adding potted plants here. As a result, they asked the LGOJ to help them carry some potted plants to the rooftop.

All of the club members participated with an exception of a certain lazy president.

" Have you got no shame? "

Mayumi asked angrily while trying to stop herself from following her impulse to throw the pot at the President who was currently yawning.

" huh? Shame? No, I'm not. I'm shameless. "

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