Chapter 66

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Chapter 66: Main Mission 3 Rewards

   After receiving the rewards, there was a huge smile on Tokio's face.

{ Hehe.. }

[ 233,000 points ]

With those amounts, he can certainly draw cards a lot of times. He can experience what it was like to be a whale. In his past life, he was just a complete F2P (Free to Play) player who couldn't afford to buy in-game currency because he was poor and just a complete miser who doesn't want to spend anything on a 'Game' despite his love of those games.

But now in this world, where card games are an absolute must and dictate your life Tokio not lacking in points anymore, Maybe Tokio could do a total of 30,000 worth of gacha rolls.

While Tokio is daydreaming, the monotone voice of the system brings him back to his reality.

[ Host, you haven't paid my performance fee for 3 weeks. The performance fee is also a total of 10,000 points. And if another 3 days passed for the System to control your body, it would be another additional 2,000 points. ]

Hearing the system, Tokio could feel his heart being squeezed out. He had just recently returned from the Shadow Realm and he wasn't out of the hospital gown, catheter, and IV drops yet, but it looked like the system wanted him to drop dead with the shock that they were giving him to the current very frail body of the vagrant clone.

It seems the body clones that were provided by the system still act like a normal human body. They get hurt and weak and need nutrition to keep functioning in this world.

[ Please pay up, Host. ]

{ Fine.. 10,000 points. Take it.. }

Inside his mind, Tokio consoled himself that he has still a lot of points left.

[ You only have 223,000 points left to host. Does the Host still want me to continue controlling your body? ]

{ Yes.. I will pay you when I return to Domino City. Geez, I didn't expect Pegasus to bring me here in San Francisco. Thankfully my English speaking skills haven't gotten rusty. While I was gone, did something interesting happen at Domino City? }

[Rare Card Hunters are roaming around the Domino City, host. ]

{ So looks like Marik is making his move? }

[ Earlier, there was also an abundance of eccentric people following Yugi-sama and his friends. The one that the host called the Protagonist group. ]

{ Strange people? Stalkers? Is it because of the Duelist Kingdom? Is Yugi being hounded by the stalkers because he was the winner? }

Tokio felt relief that he was wearing the disguise of Akai Konami when he joined Japan's National Duel Monsters Tournament and the Duelist Kingdom.  He wouldn't be hounded by stalkers who either admire him or hold a grudge against him.

Seriously, this world is too dramatic for Tokio to endure sometimes. The exaggerated reactions of the people playing card games upon drawing a card, being defeated, struggling, etc.

It was like the Duelist of this world had all decided to go into acting school.

Thankfully, despite living in this world for so many years, he wasn't infected by the dramatics. Unfortunately, the people within his circles like his little cousins and friends are also affected by this virus.

No matter how many times Tokio reminded them, it would enter the right ear and left the other side. The reminder wouldn't remain in their head and would become forgotten.

[ Host, aren't you also being dramatic in your life? Why is a Hypocrite like the host calling out the other people when he is doing the same thing? ]

{ What?! I'm not dramatic! Just where did you get that Opinion system? }

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