Chapter 73

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AN: Here's another update...

I've been listening to vocaloid songs and watching Yugioh memes for the past few days.

Chapter 73: Rule Changes

       After spending the entire night in the Shadow Realm implementing rules and delegating tasks to the Sin City Lords, the next day, Tokio was spending his time sleeping in Class 1-A. The entire time the teachers, some of his classmates, and most of all Risa send him a glare or a reproaching gaze.

When the bell rang and the last subject ended, Risa dragged him through the collar of his school uniform still sleeping peacefully. Towing Tokio towards the old building where the leisure games and odd jobs club room are located.

Seeing Risa dragging the sleeping Tokio, Hailey, Mayumi, and Tomoyuki were amused.

" Did he sleep the entire class? "

Mayumi asked curiously. Risa nodded her head while she put Tokio on one of the clubroom's couches. Tomoyuki whistled, it impressed him how strong Risa was despite her petite stature. At the same time, he was scared of her.

Not only that Tomoyuki would be in danger of being cursed or suffering some Voodoo shit if they angered her, but Risa's physical strength beneath her deceitful body is also something that Tomoyuki and the others need to be wary of.

It was really impressive how their club leader and friend Tokio kept experiencing Risa's punches and coming back for more. Tokio never stopped once on irritating and angering Risa.

For Tomoyuki, their club leader is certainly a masochist.

After placing Tokio on the couch Hailey and Mayumi feel concerned about Tokio, Risa flicked his forehead.

Tokio groaned in pain and opened his eyes. Glaring at Risa, he says.

" Ouch... What the hell is that for? "

Risa looking at Tokio with a stern expression says.

" If you are not feeling well again, you should have just stayed back at Horo Manor. "

Tokio yawned. Changing his position on the couch, he replied.

" ... I don't have a fever or anything worrisome. I just currently lacking in sleep. "

Even though he left his body before he went to the Shadow Realm in his room, Tokio still suffered from exhaustion when he returned to his body this morning.

With the Millenium Spellbook, Tokio became immune to the negative effects of the Shadow Realm like experiencing constant pain, difficulty in seeing in the Shadow Realm, and spiritual exhaustion the longer he spent his time in the Shadow Realm.

Despite those things, Tokio wasn't immune to being mentally exhausted.

" I see... Then get your sleep. "

Tokio was surprised when Risa left him alone. He thought that she would insist on Tokio not being lazy again.

Seeing Tokio's surprised look, Risa scoffed.

" What is with that expression? If you are lacking in sleep then sleep there on the couch, Lazy ass. It wasn't like our club had many things to do. You are also in no state to do menial tasks if someone comes to ask for some request with your lack of sleep! We would do those things and you better get your sleep. Tomorrow, if I see you lacking in sleep again, I will punch you in your stomach, I swear! "

Tokio felt a slight smile forming on his face. His crimson eyes were gazing at Risa with fondness.

" Thank you. "

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