Capitulum 25

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I snuggled closer to the warmth that surrounded me. I groaned as it stirred, moving away from me. I opened my eyes, where the hell was I? I rubbed my eyes. I took in the surroundings, it seemed like a regular forest yet everything seemed much more peaceful. In front of me was a giant white wolf, it towered over me.

I moved a little closer to it, carefully extending my hand. The wolf pressed her soft nuzzle against my hand. Sparks erupted on my skin.

She nodded her large head. 'Hello dear mate.' Her voice sounded in my head loud and clear.  I took in her gorgeous, strong muscled body. Her eyes were dark compared to her fluffy white fur. 'You are gorgeous.' Which earned a loud purr.

'Where are we?'

Alcione turned her body towards me. Motioning for me to get on her back, I eagerly did. Letting her warmth consume as the tingles spread through my body. Alcione led us through the woods, dodging branches and jumping over rocks. 'We are.. in a world between your wolf and human state. No one has ever been able to reach this place, but I had to take my chance love. I had to mark you to explain.' Alcione whispered, she seemed pained and hated the fact she had to hurt me.

I caressed her fur. 'It's okay, I am glad you marked me as yours too.'

A low purr spread through her body and I chuckled. My eyes took in this gorgeous place. It felt weird to be here, it felt surreal. I wondered where Leto was, I hadn't sensed her yet.

'What do you need to explain?'

Alcione turned the corner. 'Long before werewolves existed, Lycans roamed the earth,' she began to explain. 'He founded the city Lycosura. A place where Lycans lived in peace, ruling the earth.'

I gasped into the blue air that swam with floral fragrance, the old ruins rose to welcome us. I was at lost for words as the sight of an old castle came to view, around it buildings that had been teared down. The old ruins whispered tales of gallant chivalry to the flora and fauna. 'What is this place?' I whispered, 'Lycosura.' She responded, with a blink of an eye the sight was gone, replaced by the woods.

'Your father Lycaon, was the first ever Lycan also known as the Lycan King. After his rebellion against Zeus he found his true mate, your mother Deianira,' Alcione spoke softly.

'Your mother played it well, there was no written document about the mate bound. The books only said that the Lycan Alpha king had a mate, but it didn't mention who the mate was.' Alcione continued.

I was trying to wrap my head around this situation, sliding of Alcione her back. I wasn't completely sure how to handle this situation. 'I know it is all very had to understand, but danger is ahead of us. The power you felt inside of you, during the full moon. Is the power of the Lycan.'

My eyes widened in shock. 'I am a Lycan-wolf?' 

Alcione her eyes met mine, nodding her head softly. 'You haven't felt the power before, until you and Kena completed the bound. There is only one thing you have to do.'

'What? What do I have to do?'  But without a warning Alcione rushed back into the woods, my vision became blurry before darkness surrounded me.


I groaned, slowly opening my eyes as I took in the surroundings. Hospital I mentally groaned. I had spent quite some time in this place. I heard the familiar purr in the back of my mind. 'Leto, I am glad you are back.'

'I never left Azz.' She responded.

I carefully got out of the bed, my body felt quite weak. Leto assured me it would take a few hours for me to regain my strength. The state between wolf and human verges a lot of energy. I sighed, letting the wall support me as I walked through the hospital. Most of the patients were sleeping soundly. I followed the wall outside, through the hall in front of the staircase I let myself slide down against the wall, knocking over a vase, panting. This is ridiculous.

Nienna her head snapped around the corner, she seemed surprised but worry took over as she saw me sitting on the floor. 'Luna! You are up, what are you doing out of the bed?' She rushed over to me, helping me back on my feet.

'Where is Kena?' I breathed, leaning heavily on Nienna. I was growing frustrated without the touch of our mate.

Nienna eyed me, 'I'll take you to her.' She helped me down the stairs, leading me towards Kena her office. I could hear her voice as a soft whimper escaped me.

The door opened and I was greeted by Aita, Nimue, Kena, Dani, Ivy and Amaruq. Kena rushed forward, pulling my against her. I sighed into her, letting the sparks fly through every fiber in my body. 'She needs to sit Alpha.' Nienna spoke softly, Kena eyed me before pulling me into a deep kiss.

She rested her forehead against me. 'I have missed you, I am so sorry.' She breathed, trying to stop herself from crying. She sat down on her chair, placing me in her lap.

Nimue clapped her hands happily. 'I am glad you are awake Accalia!' She exclaimed, 'Plus I am glad you know the truth.'

'We were actually about to explain what was happening.' Kena whispered in my ear, god had I missed her voice.

Ivy chuckled softly at the sight of us. 'Nimue continue.'

'When Alcione marked Accalia in her wolf state, she pulled Accalia to a different state. The state between the wolf and human, it is a state not many can reach because most aren't strong enough. In all honestly we needed Alcione to do it, but we figured you wouldn't be strong enough, at least not yet.' Nimue spoke.

Dani chuckled. 'I think asking a madly in love wolf to not mark her mate is a little stupid, besides have we forgotten how stubborn they are.'

Aita laughed as Kena growled loudly at the insult.

'Accalia was born in Lycosura,' They eyed me as my eyes changed its color from glowing white to electric blue with silver lining. A strong wave of aura come from me. It was so strong that it brought all of them to their knees, even Kena seemed to have the urge to.

'Accalia her wolf is ancient, because her wolf truly is a Lycan.' Nimue whispered happily.

Kena eyed me. 'That explains the aura around you, it has two auras intertwined together. But I thought.. it wouldn't be possible.' She pressed her lips against my mark, inhaling my scent.

'I'll explain.' Amaruq chuckled. Suddenly the mind link opened for all the pack members to hear what we were hearing. I eyed Kena. 'It'll save us some time.'

'Her father, Lycaon was the first ever Lycan Alpha king. He mated with Deianira, the first ever female Alpha, the strongest one yet,' Amaruq explained. 'A lot of this wasn't written down, because most didn't live to tell the tale. Lycans were hunted down, killed of one by one. The other reason was to protect the first and only white female Lycan-wolf.'

'The thing is no one ever taught Accalia to reach her Lycan state. Besides, reaching the state with no training is extremely dangerous..' Ivy sighed.

Everyone stared at me when I opened my mouth. 'I know how to and I want to reach the state.'

'How do you want to do that love?' Kena met my gaze.

'I have to go to my old house, I have to go there to be able to reach my Lycan state. I want to go to Lycosura. '


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