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"Mr. Kim Taehyung do you accept Mr. Kim Seokjin as your husband "?

" Yes"

Their friends cheered looking at the camera as directed by the wedding planner, to capture their sweet memories.

" Mr. Kim Seokjin do you accept Mr. Kim Taehyung as your husband?"

" yes"

And again they cheered, seokjin prayed the cameraman did not capture his pathetic state. This is not how he dreamt of his wedding. This is not how he should look while saying his lifetime 'yes' and this is not how Taehyung should look at him when he said ' yes' to Seokjin.

The look of hate.

" You both may kiss "

No, seokjin doesn't have any courage for that, he still remembers how Jungkook teased him he would be the first one hovering over Taehyung to kiss while laughing. Oh, seokjin wishes it should have been like that. He always wanted to share a stupid happy passionate kiss with Taehyung on their wedding day to look back at it when they were in their 80s.

Taehyung pulled him by the waist making people scream for them, oh but the hold was so painful, that the tears rolled down Seokjin's cheek. It's too painful because Taehyung kissed him with hate.

He didn't allow Seokjin to kiss him back.

And Seokjin was left alone on the aisle, and Taehyung walked out without glancing back.

" what was that??"

Jungkook asked as he came on stage to make it look less awkward.

" He must be tired "

Oh, as if his friends will buy his excuses, well nobody can buy them. But still, what Seokjin will say, is that now his newly wedded husband hates him, and nothing but hate is only left in Taehyung's heart for Seokjin.

Is he can even get that love back? Oh, can he even be alive without Taehyung's love? Because he doesn't remember how he was before Taehyung came into his life.

They took photos, lot and lot when Taehyung came back. Seokjin's heart broke looking at Taehyung's face, he cried.

He cried because of Seokjin.

Seokjin doesn't know how to incorporate it.

Taehyung maintained a distance from him when they took a couple of photos.

Thanks to his friends they engaged Taehyung most of the time. Taehyung's back was facing Seokjin when his cousin Kim Namjoon approached him.

" It looks like you both are going to have a very happy life "

Seokjin took a breath before facing him.

" I know you don't want it, sir. But trust me and my husband going to have a very happy life "

" oh really, Seok-jin. I would like to see it with my own eyes. And now prepare yourself for your happy honeymoon. "

Namjoon knows, he knows about everything. How? When Taehyung's father thinks nobody knows. Then how does Namjoon know!?. If he knows why is he not telling everything to Taehyung? What's his intention?

Seokjin exhaled loudly remembering Taehyung's father's voice.

'People are greedy, Seok-jin. I don't want my son to be a victim of others' selfishness. He deserves the world and his world is you, seeking

Is he?? Now, can he even make Taehyung happy? Taehyung will even love him? Believe him?

Jungkook hugged him one last time before leaving him in the new penthouse, it was a gift from Taehyung's father. Seokjin wanted to reach out and ask Jungkook to stay back but he couldn't.

" I will call you and annoy you in the morning, okay Jin Hyung"

" Okay"

" And if you want me to take you back home right now also, I will "

Jungkook knows, if not everything he knows things are not good between Taehyung and Seokjin. Is Seokjin so readable?

" I know, but trust me, Taehyung is the person I love, I want to be here. With him "

Jungkook nodded trying to keep his expression in check.

" I can punch him any time. Just tell me. Okay "

" He is my husband, Jungkook ah"

" Still I can punch him"

That made Seokjin chuckle, at least he smiled a little.

" Okay "

Seokjin changed into his night suit once his friends left. Seokjin doesn't know where Taehyung is, he tried calling him but he didn't receive the call. Yoongi got a call from Taehyung telling him that he would be late as he had some work.

Taehyung would have texted him at least.

Seokjin said thank you to Yoongi before cutting the call. He sat on the bed alone. He doubts Taehyung will be back tonight but he just wants to hear him once, he wants to know at least he is okay...

He texted him once more time begging him to receive his call. He hopes Taehyung can feel his apology.

He didn't get it when he dozed off, when he opened his eyes he welcomed Taehyung's face. He is sleeping beside him. Taehyung is here beside him. In their home. Looking at Seokjin.

He knows he is not supposed to cross the line but he can't control it, he is so scared of losing Taehyung.

He slides down until his forehead touches Taehyung's. Oh, Taehyung is drunk. He drank. He doesn't like alcohol. Tears rolled down while his fingers caressed Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung didn't push him, yet.

" Don't hurt yourself like this, Tae. God, I am doing this to save you from hurt. The...I love you so much so so much."

" Love.....you....too"

Taehyung mumbled looking straight at Seokjin, high from alcohol.

" Love you, so so much Tae. Please believe me..please..."

Seokjin kissed Taehyung's forehead before continuing

" I vowed Tae, to be with you in all highs and downs. I am here to double your happiness and share your pain not to cause pain. I am here giving all of myself, hope one day you will believe me again. Hope I get to tell you the truth. Hope you....love me again "

"Why you....you did that...why...no...you not like my dad...then why??"

Taehyung's long slender fingers now caressing his cheeks, as if they were wiping his tears, thumb stuck over his trembling lips.

" I love you, Tae"

Taehyung chuckled, high from alcohol still.

" Thought of....kissing you so so much....tonight.....but....but you.....you don't love me....you....not.. .why....jin....why? I told you....didn't I?? Not to lie....but...you lied....everything is a lie....everyone lies to me....everyone hates me..."

" It's not true "

" says the one who lied to me......who betrayed me..."

" I....i...."

"See....but still I want to kiss you why?? You got me nicely, Kim Seokjin......congratulations......very..... very....much congratulations......congrats"

Taehyung's eyes started closing slowly, yet he tried hard to open them. Seokjin's thumb caressed over them making them shut, at least he should get good sleep.

" I am in love with you, Mr. Kim, always and forever. Believe me or not, I will love you....forever. "

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