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As we made our way to the baggage claim I saw the man from the plane following us.  I linked my arm through Quins pulling her close to me. "What's wrong" Quin said and looked at me. "That guy from the plane is following us" I said as I tightened my grip on Quins arm. Me and Quin are both small she's 4'11  and I'm 5'2. I've always been very protective of Quin.  Because I never want anything that has happened to me happen to her.

"Just ignore him" Quin said as I looked back at the man cautiously. When we got to the baggage claim I made sure I was between the man and Quin. We grabbed our suitcases and started walking away when I was suddenly yanked back by my arm as I gasped. I realized it was the man from the plane as he slammed me against the nearby wall. I yelped as pain radiated through my back. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" the man screamed in my face as he held me against the wall with his forearm on my neck. As Quin tried to pull him off me he pushed her causing her to hit the ground hard.  I saw red as my hands shook with rage. I took My right fist and punched him in the nose as hard as I could causing him to stumble back and off of me as security made its way over.

I ran over to Quin and helped her up. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY" I yelled as I pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm fine are you" she said and pulled back looking at me. "Ill be okay" I said as security came over after grabbing the man and taking him away. "Are You ladies alright" The security guard asked. "Were Okay" I said with a nod as he gave us a small smile. He nodded and headed to where the other 2 security guards had taken the man. Quin and I looked at each other and she looked at me with worried etched in her face. "I'm. Fine Q" I said as we grabbed our bags and started walking to the exit where our uber was waiting. I knew she was worried about how this would affect me and worried that it would cause me to panic and have a full blown panic attack. She just sighed and nodded as we walked out of the airport and got in our uber.

Once we got to our hotel we checked in and made our way to the fifth floor where our room was. When we got to the room I opened the door and walked inside throwing myself on the bed closest to the door as quin walked over to the other bed. "Are you sure your okay physically" she said. "Well my back hurts and I'm sure my neck and ankle are gonna bruise" I said as I went over to my suit case and pulled out my toiletries and pajama shorts and t-shirt . "I'm gonna shower" I said as i made my way to the bathroom. "Ok" Quin said as I mad my way to the bathroom. 

Once I was in the bathroom I closed the door and turned on the shower. I turned around and took my clothes off. When I looked in the mirror I looked at my neck which was already starting to turn purple in some spots. 

I turned and looked at my back and gasped. It was worse than I thought. It was yellow with purple already starting to appear. I Sighed and got in the shower letting the hot water loosen my muscles as I pushed down the tears that threatened to spill.

I got out of the shower and put my pajamas on, brushed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and saw quin was on the phone with one of her sisters. I quietly took my medicine so I could sleep as she gave me a weird look. It was only 7:45pm and I normally stayed up late. "Ill Call you back" Quin said to her sister then ended the call. "What are you doing" she said as I crawled into bed and under the covers. "Going to bed" I mumbled. "Marissa its not even 8 yet what's wrong she said. "Nothing I'm just tired and sore and want to sleep" I said. She just sighed and called her sister back.

I ended up falling asleep pretty quick. I wasn't lying when I said I was tired I was exhausted from jet lag and getting slammed into a wall I just wish Quin wouldn't worry so much.

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