Today was May 3 and I was officially 20 weeks today so 4 and a half month's. It also meant It has been a year since I ran into Colby at the Biltmore and my life changed. Colby's parents were coming today and staying for my birthday that was on the 8. We were also finally telling them today that I was pregnant. We waited because we wanted to tell them in person.

I was currently finishing getting ready. I just did winged liner on top with some mascara clear lip gloss and did my eye brows and straightened my hair. I was wearing maternity jeggings and Maternity short sleeve it was sage green with gold polka dots.

My stomach was hard to hide now so we were probably gonna tell Colby's Parents when they got here. I was also in a lot more pain mostly in my back. I was having trouble sleeping from the baby moving so much more now. I finished getting ready and went and sat on the couch in the living room with a blanket over my legs and stomach.

Sam and Kat were at the mall having a date day. I looked at my phone 11:30 am. Colby would be back with his parent's any minute. I was getting nervous. What if they had the same reaction my grandparents did what if it ruined Colby's relationship with his parents.

My thoughts were interrupted when Colby and his parents walked in. "Heyyy sweetie." Lesa said as Colby walked over to me. "Okay before she gives hugs we have to tell you something." Colby said. "Your gonna be grandparents." I said then Colby helped me stand the blanket fell showing my now obvious belly.

Colby's parents were quiet for a second before a smile spread on there faces. Colby's mom ran over and gave me a hug as Colby hugged his dad. Colby hugged his mom and his dad hugged me. "Congratulations." Layne said as Colby's mom started to cry which made me cry.

I hugged her again and we all sat down. I wiped my face. "Do you know what your having." Layne asked. "It's a boy." Colby said. "How far along are you." Lesa asked me. "I'm 20 weeks today." I said. "How have you been feeling." Layne said. "Ok in some pain but not to bad." I said. "She likes to down play her pain so its usually 3 times whatever she say's especially with her Ehlers Danlos." Colby said with a worried expression.

"I'm okay." I said grabbing his hand. "I assume you and your doctor have talked about the pregnancy risks for woman with Ehlers Danlos." Lesa said. I nodded. "Good we just worry about you." Layne said. "I know I'm just not used to people worrying about me." I said with a smile.

"I know sweetheart." Lesa said taking my hand. She smiled when she Saw I was wearing the daughter bracelet they got me for Christmas. "I'm glad you like it." Lesa said messing with it. "I love it I never take it off along with the necklace Colby got me." I said.

We talked for another 5 minutes before Sam and Kat got home. Colby's parents greeted them then Colby showed them the guest room upstairs so they could relax and get settled. I walked out to the back yard and stepped out into the sun.

I soaked up the warmth. A minute later Colby came up behind me wrapping his arms around me resting his hands on my stomach. I leaned my head back against his chest. "A year ago today you came into my life and I immediately fell in love with you." He whispered and kissed my neck. "I love you Cole." I said. "I love you too Marissa." He said then kissed me.

The baby kicked and made me smile. Colby gasped. "I turned around quick. "What what is it." I said. "I felt it." He said smiling. "You felt it." I said my eyes tearing up. "I felt our baby." He said. I kissed him. I pulled away and he just smiled at me his ocean eyes sparkling in the sun.

The baby kicked again. I giggled. "I wanna show Sam and Kat." I said. Colby grabbed my hand and we walked inside. Sam and Kat were in the kitchen. I sat on the couch and called them over. "What's up." Kat said sitting next to me.

I grabbed her hand and put it on my stomach we waited a few seconds and he kicked. "Oh my god." Kat said smiling. She moved and Sam sat next to me I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. He kicked Sam right away. He gasped and I laughed.

Colby sat next to me on my other side. "Doesn't that hurt." Sam asked me. "Yeah but too bad just a little uncomfortable." I said. Sam and Kat went back to what they were doing while Colby and I just sat on the couch.

He had his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked him again and he laughed. "What's so funny." Layne said as him and Lesa walked into the living room. "Come here." I said. Colby's mom sat next to me and I set her hand on my stomach where the baby was kicking. She smiled "Oh Layne come feel this." She said. Colby's dad walked over but he was hesitant. "Can I." He said. I smiled and grabbed his hand and set it where baby was kicking. He smiled and his eyes started to tear up.

"Oooh Layne." I said getting up. I hugged him as I started to cry. He pulled back and wiped his face. "Oh sweetheart I didn't mean to make you cry." He said as I sat back down by Colby. "I'm ok just happy." I said.

Colby his parents and I talked for another 15 minutes. I was laughing Colby's mom was telling a story of little Colby. I gasped when the baby kicked my side hard. "Woah you okay." Colby said. "Yeah he just kicked me really hard." I said. "Oh honey if he is anything like Cole I can Imagine." Lesa said. "Cole would kick me so hard I thought he was gonna break out." Lesa said. I laughed

We ordered pizza and hung out with Colby's parents and Sam and Kat. I finished eating and was getting pretty tired. I stood up "I'm gonna go lay down for awhile." I said. "Ok sweetheart." Lesa said. I walked into the bedroom shutting the door behind me.

I changed in to Colby's grey sweats and his Black always tired t-shirt and got into bed falling asleep pretty quick.

I woke up 2 hours later to what felt like period cramps but a little worse. I started to panic. "COLBYYY" I screamed. 5 seconds later the bedroom door flew open and Colby ran over to me. "What is it what's wrong." He said. "Get your mom please." I said.

Colby left the room and I put my hands on my stomach. Colby and Lesa came in quickly. "What's wrong sweetie." Lesa said taking my hand. "I'm cramping bad. Is it bad what do I do." I said panicky Colby rubbed my back. "Okay take a deep breath are they in your back and stomach or just your lower stomach." She said. "My lower stomach." I said. "Is it just cramping or is it pressure to." She asked. "Just cramps no pressure." I said

"Okay your okay sweetie just Braxton hicks there not actual contractions but they do feel like intense period cramps they will be more intense because of you Ehlers Danlos ."Lesa said and rubbed my arm. I sighed relieved. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you guys." I said and looked at Colby. "Hey it's okay you don't need to be sorry you did the right thing you didn't know if it was normal or not and wanted to be safe." He said. I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

We went into the living room and Colby explained I was okay to Sam Kat and his dad. We sat and chatted and the whole time baby was moving like crazy. "Ugh I swear he is doing gymnastics in there." I said. Colby chuckled and started to rub my stomach.

We ended up just having leftover pizza for dinner. Colby's Parents went to bed around 7:30 they were jet lagged. Sam, Kat, Colby, and I were sitting in the living room watching tv. Colby had one arm around me his hand playing with the ends of my hair and the other was rested on my stomach.

The baby kicked so hard it made me gasp and grip Colby's knee. "Oh I felt that one you okay." Colby asked me. I nodded and sighed. We watched tv till around midnight before Colby and I went to our room. I got in bed and Colby Took off his shirt and put on joggers.

Colby got in bed but put his head by my stomach and lifted my shirt. He kissed my stomach. "Hey little man it's dada." He said making me smile. "I felt you kicking today your pretty strong already. I love you take it easy on mama bud." He said then kissed my stomach and came back and laid next to me.

I was all snug in my pregnancy pillow. I hated that It wasn't comfortable sleeping without it anymore because I just wanted to cuddle up to Colby. He always laid his arm over me so I still felt safe and loved and knew he was there.

Colby played with my hair till I fell asleep

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