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I woke up the next morning and looked at the time. 11:15am. I sat up and stretched my arms. Everest and Colby had gotten up already. I swallowed and cringed at the pain in my throat. I went to call out to Colby but my voice was pretty much gone barely .a audible whisper. Probably from crying so hard yesterday.

I grabbed my phone and texted Colby that I needed him. He came up a minute later and opened the door. He was smiling. "You could have yelled for me." He said. "I can't." I said barely audible. "Oh shit." He said and walked over to me.

"You lost your voice." He said I nodded. "Does your throat hurt." He asked me. I nodded again. "Okay I'll be right back." He said before jogging out of the room. I smiled and shook my head then went on my phone. A few minutes later Colby returned with his hands and arms full. I giggled quietly.

He set a mug on the nightstand then started to unload his arms. "Okay here is a whiteboard and marker so you don't have to talk, some throat lozenges, a heated blanket, your sherpa pajamas, and calming lotion." he said.

I quickly wrote on the white board. Thank you. "Your welcome, now come with me." He said and held out his hands. I took them and he pulled me out of bed then walked me to the bathroom. He turned on the bath and filled it and put in bubble bath.

I got undressed and into the tub I sighed. This was the first time I was able to take a hot bath in 11 months because I was pregnant then had stitches. "Feel good." Colby asked me. I nodded and smiled. "Good." He said then kissed my head. I grabbed the white board and wrote. Where is Everest. "He is with Sam and Kat in there room." Colby said

I nodded. Colby dipped a cup in the tub and had me lean my head back and wet my hair. He washed it and conditioned it for me. When he finished rinsing out the conditioner I smiled and he kissed my forehead. I sat in the tub for 20 more minutes and Colby sat and scratched my head.

"Ready to get out." Colby asked me as he stood up. I nodded and took Colby's hands and he helped me out of the tub. I shivered a little the cool air hitting my skin. "Okay arm's up." Colby said. I raised my arms and he wrapped a towel around me. I set my arms down and Colby grabbed my hand. We walked out to the bed. I grabbed some underwear and put them on Colby handed me a pair of his sweat pants and his blue butterfly hoodie. I smiled it was my favorite hoodie of his.

I got dressed and Colby went into the bathroom then came back out a few seconds later with my hair brush. I stood by the foot of the bed and he gently brushed through my hair. When he finished he set the brush on the bed.

I turned around and opened my arms. He smiled. "You want a hug." He said. I nodded and he chuckled. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around him. No matter what was happening in my life I knew I was safe in his arms.

"I love you." I said barely audible. "I love you too. Now no more talking your throat and voice need to heal." He said. I nodded then stood on my tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Alright now get that cute butt in bed I'm gonna go warm this up." Colby said grabbing the mug off the nightstand. I nodded and got in bed. He kissed my head then left the room.

I got a text from Avery. "Dad told us about last night. So be careful he just told Kara he was gonna pay you guys another visit soon." It said. I set my phone down as my hands started to shake. I hugged my knee's to my chest and rested my forehead on them as I focused on taking deep breath's. I banged my fist's against the sides of my legs frustrated over and over.

"Woah what happened." I heard Colby say. I heard his quick footsteps approach me. I didnt look up I just continued to bang my fists on the sides of my legs. Colby got on the bed in front of me. "M stop stop." He said grabbing my wrists to keep me from hitting my legs. I looked up at him as the tears fell.

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