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Sam and Colby walked in first Mackie Amanda and I following. As soon as I got in the room I felt the presence of what was tormenting us at the house. "It's here." I said. Sam set up the camera then turned on the Ovilus.

WANT the Ovilus said. "What do you want." Mackie asked. MOUNTAIN BABY the Ovilus said. We looked at each other confused till it hit me. Everest it wanted Everest. "YOU WILL NOT AND CAN NOT MESS WITH MY SON I HAVE POWER OVER YOU." I yelled. WATCH the Ovilus said. Sam left the room and Called Corey and told him not to let Everest out of there sight.

I was pissed. I clenched my fists anger building inside me. "I am stronger than you. You cannot do anything. You are not allowed to leave this ship you will stay here in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to stay." I said.

As soon as I said that the big crystal on the table flew of the table hitting Colby in the ribs. "AH FUCK." Colby yelled holding his ribs. I went to him. "Oh my god." I said. "I'm okay." Colby said. I went to Amanda. "We need to keep it here what do we do." I said. "We both need to focus and envision a white light surrounding this room trapping it in here." She said. I nodded.

"Sam I need you to take Mackie and Colby out of the room." I said. He nodded. "No I'm not leaving you." Colby said still holding his ribs. I walked over to him and put my hand on his face. "I will be okay I need to focus and I can't do that until I know you are somewhere safe." I said.

Colby kissed me then pulled back. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. Sam brought them out of the room. "You ready." Amanda asked me. I nodded then took a deep breath. Amanda and I faced each other and held hands and closed our eyes and started to envision it.

As we did this the room started to shake. "Keep going it's working." Amanda said. I focused and continued. Amanda and I did this for a hour. During which the shower turned on so did the tv. But we didn't stop. We needed to do this. Once we finished the room stopped shaking. "You will stay here you can no longer leave or hurt people." I said.

I felt weak and drained as we left the room. I walked over to Colby and hugged him careful of his ribs. "You did it." He whispered and kissed my head. I nodded. "Can we leave is it over." Mackie asked Amanda. "Yes it's over we can go." Amanda said.

We started to walk but I was really slow and tired my legs were shaky from the adrenaline coursing through me. "Her babe let me help you." Colby said. I shook my head. "I'm okay and your hurt." I said. Sam walked over to me. "Let me help then." He said. I nodded. Sam wrapped my right arm around his shoulders and made sure I didnt fall.

We made our way off the ship and to the car. Sam helped me into the car as Colby put the back pack in the trunk. Once everyone was in the car We started to drive back to the hotel. When we Got back to the Hotel Sam helped me inside and so did Mackie. Amanda was taking Colby to the hospital to get his ribs checked out.

Sam Mackie and I went into Sam Colby and I's room. I grabbed some pajama shorts and Colby's t-shirt he wore the day before. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed before going back out and sitting in bed. Sam was sitting in his bed and Mackie was in the armchair.

I was starting to feel sick from the adrenaline rush calming down. I groaned as my stomach felt queasy. "You alright." Sam asked me. "Just feeling sick coming down from the adrenaline rush." I said. Sam grabbed the small trash can and brought it to me then sat next to me. "Thanks." I said softly.

A minute later I was puking. Sam held my hair and rubbed my back. Once it Stopped I sat up and coughed a little. "You alright." Mackie asked me handing me a wet rag. I nodded and wiped my face as Sam took the trash can to the bathroom. Mackie sat next to me in bed.

"You okay." She asked me as Sam came out of the bathroom and went and sat in his bed. "Yeah I just miss my baby." I said. "I bet I would too." She said. Mackie and I talked for about a hour before she went to her and Amanda's room around Midnight.

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