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Colby's POV

Its been a week since Marissa woke up and everyday since she has been in so much pain and Her Ehlers Danlos makes it worse. I have seen her in pain before but not this severe it was breaking my heart. She kept panicking from being so constricted from the neck and back brace so she now had a oxygen mask we Put on when that would happen. She got her sling off yesterday because her shoulder was a lot better

"I know love" I said as Marissa sobbed again. "What hurts M" I asked as I stroked her arm. "Everything" She sobbed. So far she has been on a very small dose of Morphine because she refuses to have it higher. She said she doesn't want to risk getting addicted. But today is the worst its been.

"Baby please let them give you more" I said. She shook her head as she continued to cry. She ended up falling asleep after about a half an hour of me comforting her and distracting her. About a hour later Sam walked in I put my finger to my lips and stood up and him and I went out into the hallway. I quietly shut the door behind us.

"How is she today." Sam asked as we looked at her through the window of her room. "I don't know what to do man." I said. "What do you mean." Sam asked. "She is in so much pain but still refuses more meds to help her." I said. "You know when I broke my back I had the same fear she is having right now." he said. "But I just reminded myself of the amazing support system I have and that if anything ever did happen that I would be ok." He said "I can try to talk to her when she wakes up if you want." He said. "Thanks brother." I said.

We talked for about a hour before Marissa started to wake up. We both walked in and I walked over and grabbed her right hand gently. "Colby" She said quietly. "I'm right here." I said and squeezed her hand. "Me too Sis." Sam said. I slowly raised the head of the bed so she could sit up a bit.

I watched her face scrunch in pain when she tried to adjust herself. I could tell she was trying so hard not to cry. I looked at Sam and he nodded. "Hey M can I talk to you about something." Sam said. She nodded and tried her best to look at him. "So you remember when I broke my back." He asked. "Yes" She said softly. "Well I was really scared to take the medicine to because I was afraid of me becoming dependent on it too. But you know how I managed to take it." He said. "No." She said. "I remembered that I have an Amazing support system and people in my life that would make sure I was ok." He said.

"Im scared." She said. "I know you are baby but lets just try okay you will feel so much better okay please." I said. She looked at Sam and He smiled and nodded. "Ok" She said. I smiled and stood up and kissed her head as I hit the call button. "Im so proud of you." I said as Kate walked in. "Hey how's my favorite patient." She asked. "She finally agreed to have the full dose." I said. Kate smiled. "ok I will be right back." She said and left.

Kate cam back in and set up a more consistent Iv Morphine drip. 10 Minutes later it was like Marissa was a totally different person. She was smiling and making jokes. "Why didn't you tell me I would feel this good sooner." She said to Sam. We laughed "I did you just didn't want to listen." He said.

That night us three laughed and joked and talked for hours. I was finally starting to see the old Marissa again.


Marissa's POV

Its been 3 months since I woke up in the hospital I got my neck brace off about a month ago and Today there finally taking off the cast on my leg and the staples out of my head. I woke up from a little nap and look to my right. Colby was asleep with my hand in his and his head on my bed. I keep telling him to go home and get a good night sleep but he refuses to leave me.

"Colby." I said as I took my hand out of his and ran my fingers through his hair. "hmm" he said still pretty much asleep. "Colby" I said a little louder as I gently shook his shoulder. This time his head shot up. "What are you ok, are you in pain should I call Kate." He said in a panic." "I'm ok there probably gonna take my cast of soon they said 2 and its 1:45" I said. he nodded and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

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