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Today is November 15 and Sam and Colby are leaving for a filming trip and Kat is going with. I sighed as Colby zipped up his suitcase. He came and sat in bed with me. "I'm sorry." Colby said wrapping a arm around my shoulders. "Hey it's not your fault. Everest's doctor just recommends no international travel till he's at least 6 months old and I would have had to start pumping extra weeks ago for someone to watch him but we didnt know at that time." I said.

"Yeah I'm just worried about leaving you and him." Colby said. "I know but we are gonna be fine Dakota, Tanner, and Alex are gonna stay here with us." I said. "I know its just this is the longest we have ever been apart since being together." He said. "Yeah but a week is gonna fly by. Or at least I hope so." I said cuddling up to Colby more wrapping my arms around him. He held me tighter with both arms and rested his head on mine.

I heard the doorbell ring and the dogs start barking. Everest woke up and started to cry in his bassinet. "Oh buddy." I said getting up. "Those damn dogs woke you up from your nap huh." I said as I picked him up. I got a little dizzy as I stood up but just ignored it. Colby walked over and I handed Everest to him. "Get all your dada cuddles you can cause he's gonna be gone for awhile." I said

Colby kissed his head and we walked out to the living room. Dakota, Tanner and Alex were out there with Sam and Kat. It was only 8:00 in the morning so everyone was still pretty chill. We all greeted each other.

I looked up at Colby. "What time does your flight leave." I asked him. "10:30 and it's oh shoot 8:15 so we should get going." He said then nodded to Sam and Kat. They stood up and grabbed their bags. I frowned as Colby handed Everest to me. He grabbed his bags and I followed them out to the driveway. Alex was gonna drop them off. Colby got his bag's in Alex's car then said bye to Tanner and Dakota. Tanner took Everest for me so I could say bye to Colby.

Colby put his hand on my cheek and smiled. I was holding back tears. "I love you." He said softly. I jumped wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Held me tightly as I hid my face in his neck "I love you too." I said hiding my tears. Colby set me down but I kept my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. He put one hand on my cheek the other on my hip and kissed me.

I relaxed into the kiss. We separated after a minute but he kept his hand on my cheek. "I'll be back in a week." He said. "Okay." I said. He went and got in the car. Dakota wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I LOVE YOU." Colby yelled out the window as they pulled out of the driveway. "I LOVE YOU TOO." I yelled back.

I waved till they were out of sight. "Come on lets go inside." Dakota said squeezing my shoulder's I nodded and we went inside the house. We just chilled till around noon. Everest started to cry. "I got him." I said softly as I got him from Tanner. "Dakota and I are gonna go to the house to grab our stuff that we forgot then go to the grocery store to get stuff for this week, but I can stay here with you then go when he get's back." Tanner said.

"No go ahead we will be okay alone for awhile." I said. "Okay we should be back before the storm hits. If you need anything call us and we will come right back." Dakota said. "Will do." I said. They left and Everest and I went to Colby and I's room as it started to rain. Astra was laying on the bed staring at the rain out the window. I got in bed and took of my t-shirt and moved my bra to the side.

I fed Everest and watched tv while he ate. When I was burping him it started to downpour. When he burped I laid him in his bassinet and I got into bed and laid down. I was tired Everest didn't sleep very well the night before. I fell asleep pretty fast.

I woke up to a storm raging outside and Everest crying. I was confused it wasn't supposed to hit till later. And I was confused why the lamp and tv were off then I realized the power went out. I got up and grabbed Everest and held him in bed. A minute later my phone alerted saying to find shelter. I laid Everest in his bassinet then ran into his room and grabbed his little nest and his paci and the diaper bag.

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