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Colby's POV

"When should we leave." Sam asked Amanda. "As soon as possible." She said. Sam got to work talking to the owner of the ship. Mackie and Amanda took Marissa outside while I packed our bags. I got the dogs stuff packed up for when Corey comes back to grab them. An hour later we were in Amanda's car on the way to California.

Marissa sat between Sam and I in the back seat. She was shaking her leg and picking her fingers and chewing on her lip. I reached over and grabbed her hands stopping her from picking. I Massaged her hands trying to help keep her Calm.

About a hour into the drive she fell asleep on my shoulder. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Amanda how bad is this really." I said. She sighed. "It's not good." she said. I looked at Sam and he gave me worried look. 3 and a half hours later we pulled up to the hotel we would be staying at tonight. It was pretty late so I didn't want to wake Marissa. I got us checked in and Sam sat in the car with her.

I went outside and lifted her out of the car. Sam grabbed the bags for me. We made our way to our room on the second floor. Sam unlocked the door and I got Marissa laid on one of the beds in the room. Sam, Marissa, and I were staying in the same room since it was so last minute. Sam went to the hall to call Kat and let her know that we were okay.

I grabbed Marissa some pajama shorts and one of my t-shirts. I carefully got her undressed then into the pajamas. I pulled the covers back and laid her with her head on the pillows. She whimpered a little then opened her eyes. "Colby." she whispered. "Heyyy shhhh go back to sleep were okay." I said softly sitting next to her. I sat and gently scratched her back till she fell back asleep.

I sighed and got up then changed into sweatpants and no shirt. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom Sam was sitting on his bed looking through his phone. "Hey the girls are good Everest is fine and asleep." Sam said I nodded. I got in bed and looked through my phone. I got a text from Devyn. It was a picture of Everest asleep swaddled with a pacifier in his mouth while in his bassinet. I texted and said thank you.

I set my phone on the night stand and scrubbed my face with my hand's. I looked over at Marissa who was still asleep. I looked at her for a minute praying she would be safe. "She is gonna be okay." Sam said quietly. I nodded as tears formed in my eyes.

I stood up feeling anger boiling inside of me. I walked onto the balcony and shut the door behind me. I clenched my fists as hot tears streamed down my cheeks. This was my fault. It was hurting her to get to Sam and I. I punched the wall angry as I felt the panic building in my chest.

I sat on a chair on the balcony breathing hard having a panic attack. What if she got hurt like she did at the museum. What if this time we couldn't get her back. I couldn't live without her. Sam walked out and immediately hugged me. "Shh easy brother try and breathe." He said.

"W...what do I do. I...I can't lose her." I cried. "Your not gonna lose her. Just breathe." Sam said. The door opened and Marissa walked out. "Oh my god Colby what happened." She said quickly coming over. Sam backed up and she immediately hugged me tightly. "It's ok baby I'm here." She said as I hugged her still struggling to breathe.

She pulled back and took my face in her hands. "Look at me baby." She said. I looked into her eyes. "That's it were alright just breathe with me." she said. I took deep breathes with her slowly calming down. "There we go." She said when my breathing returned to normal. I pulled her into my lap and held her. She rested her head on top of mine massaging the back of it with her hand.

"It's gonna be okay." she said. I looked up at her. "I hate that I can't protect you from things I can't see." I said. "Colby I don't expect you to. At places like these it's my job to use my abilities to protect you and the other's." She said.

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