Its been 4 weeks since my appointment and had my second yesterday and they took blood so they can test it to find out the gender. I gave them Kat's number because she was planning the gender reveal. Quin was going to but her being far made it hard. They also took me off my meds because I couldn't take them while I was pregnant which sucked. Right now Sam, Colby, Kat, and I were on our way to LA. The boys have some meetings and Kat has time in the studio scheduled. I was nervous though because tonight we were having the friend group over because I was finally far enough along that we could tell them I was pregnant.

Kat and I were in the back of Sam's car the boys up front. Sam drove Colby sat in the passenger seat. I sat behind Sam so I could see Colby and Kat sat behind him. I started to pick at my fingers nervously. Colby reached back and stopped me.

"Alright what's got you nervous." He said. "Nothing" I said. "Marissa you cant hide it from us what's wrong." Kat said. I took a deep breath. "I'm just nervous about how the friend group will react." I said. "They will be surprised probably but I have no doubt that they will be excited and supportive." Sam said. I nodded and Colby smiled at me.

We got to the house in LA around 4pm. We walked in dropped our bags and all went and sat on the couch. "So everyone will be here soon." Sam said. "okay." I said internally starting to panic a little. "Your okay." Colby said. I forget he can always tell when I'm feeling nervous. "I know." I said.

I stood up and went to my old room. I missed this place. I looked at myself in the full length mirror on the wall I was wearing leggings and a flowy black short sleeve shirt that covered my stomach. I had a small bump now that was easily concealed with baggy shirts. I fixed my eyeliner and mascara and put on some chapstick and fluffed my hair a bit before returning to the living room.

An hour later everyone had arrived. It was Kevin, Aryia, Mike, Reggie, Cassie, Tara, Jake, Devyn, Corey, Amber, and Brennen. Everyone was in the living room hanging out. We waited a little bit before we thought it was a good time to tell everyone.

Colby stood up pulling me with him. He whistled to get everyone's attention. "Marissa and I have some news." Colby said. Everyone looked confused. Colby looked at me. I looked at the group. "I'm Pregnant." I said.

The whole group was silent for a minute before erupting in cheers and congratulations. "This better not be a prank." Corey said making me laugh. I pulled my shirt up revealing my bump. "Holy shit." Corey said. Everyone took turns hugging and congratulating Colby and I.

We all calmed down and sat again after a bit. "So how far along are you." Tara asked me. "I'm 12 weeks so 3 months." I said. "How long have you known." Corey asked. "For about a month I was 6 weeks when we found out." I said.

"How have you been feeling." Kevin asked me. "Morning sickness has been hell but I'm hoping now that I'm in the second trimester that will calm down. I'm already having trouble sitting up and getting out of chairs." I said with a laugh.

We ended up ordering pizza and hanging out before everyone left. Colby and I were up in his old room getting ready for bed. It was 11:45 and I was exhausted. I had just finished washing my face and putting my pajamas on. Colby was on the couch looking through emails on his phone

I walked out of the bathroom but stopped feeling a weird fluttering in my stomach making me gasp and put my hands on my stomach. Colby jumped up and walked over to me. "What's wrong are you in pain." He asked me as he put one hand on my stomach and one on my shoulder.

I shook my head and calmed down realizing I was feeling the baby move. "I felt our baby move." I said. He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. He pulled away and smiled. "Your amazing do you know that." He said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too babygirl." he said.

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