"M." Colby said and kissed my head to wake me up. "Hmmmm." I hummed in response not opening my eyes. I heard Colby rubbed my arm. "Dinner is ready and its 6:30." Colby said as he helped me sit up. I groaned and rubbed my eyes then looked at Colby.

"You hungry princess." he asked me. I nodded as I stretched my arms above my head. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. 'Your so cute." He said. He stood up then helped me out. We walked out to the dining room and Sam and Kat were already Sat next to each other. Colby pulled out my chair and I sat in front of Kat.

"Thanks baby." I said as he sat down in front of Sam. "Your welcome." He said. I looked at the table which was all set already. Lesa and Layne walked over. "I hope your hungry." Lesa said putting the big pot of spaghetti on the table as Layne put the garlic cheese bread on it as well.

We all got some food and started eating. "This is amazing." I said. "Thank you its a Brock family recipe." Layne said. I looked over at Colby and he was chowing down. I laughed. "Slow down babe your gonna choke." I said. He smiled and slowed down.

"So how was your appointment." Kat asked me. "Uncomfortable as always." I said and frowned. "Kat told me about it it sounds invasive." Sam said. I laughed. "Very." I said. "Welcome to the glamorous world of pregnancy." Lesa said.

I laughed again as my phone dinged. I pulled my phone out of my pajama pants pocket. I unlocked my phone and went to Message's and opened the new one and started to read it. "I miss you and that scream you do when your in pain its my favorite. I wonder if that boyfriend and friends of your scream like that to I cant wait to test that out. I will also have to find out how your baby sounds in pain can't wait. Hope too see you soon Little girl. Love dad."

I finished reading Mark's message and instantly felt sick to my stomach. I dropped my phone and quickly got up and ran to the bathroom by the kitchen. I dropped to the floor and threw up into the toilet. I heard Colby yelling something. He must have read the text. I then heard angry footsteps then the front door slam as I threw up again. "Colby." Sam yelled then the front door shut again

I heard someone walk to the bathroom. It was Kat. She walked in and pulled my hair up and rubbed my back. "Colby..." I started but was interrupted by another wave of nausea making me throw up again. "Shhhh don't worry right now." Kat said

I threw up everything in my stomach over the course of a half an hour. Once the nausea finally stopped I leaned against the wall sweating feeling so weak. "Lets get you off the floor and cleaned up yeah." Kat said. I nodded.

Kat put my hands around her neck then hers around my back and pulled me up. She kept one arm around my waist and Kept one of mine over her shoulders to keep me steady. We walked out of the bathroom and toward. Colby and I's bedroom.

I saw Lesa outside on the patio pacing on the phone. "What's going on where is everyone." I said as we walked into the bedroom. Kat got me into the bed and I leaned against the headboard. Kat went to the other side and crawled in to my right.

"Kat what's going on." I said. "Colby read your phone and got angry probably the angriest I have ever seen him. He started to yell he said I'm gonna fucking kill him which shocked me because he NEVER swears Infront of his parents especially his mom. We all tried to Calm him down but It was like he couldn't hear us. He just grabbed his keys and ran out the front door and Sam went to follow him but Colby was already pulling out of the driveway. Sam along with Colby's dad got in Sam's car to try and follow him." Kat finished.

I just nodded with tears in my eyes. I didn't know what to say I was so scared. Colby rarely got angry ever and Kat was right he never swore or did anything in front of his parents they wouldn't like especially his mom.

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