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Colby's POV

I watched Marissa as she quickly went inside before we were even out of Quin's car. "Is she gonna be ok" Amanda asked as we all got out of the car and rushed in out of the pouring rain. "Yeah it just takes her a little bit sometimes" I said as I shut and locked the front door. I looked over and saw Quin looking out the back door. "Colby come here" Quin said.

I walked over and looked out Marissa was laying on the patio in the pouring rain. "Fuck" I said. "You know what we have to do right" Quin Said. "Yeah lock up all the sharp stuff" I said. Quin nodded then she walked over and told Sam, Kat, and Amanda. 

I started to walk to the kitchen to help. "Colby we got this she needs you right now brother" Sam said. I nodded "Thanks man" I said. 

I walked out the back door and stood on the porch part for a second before I walked into the rain. I walked over to where she was and laid down in the rain with her. She didn't say anything and just continued to lay there looking at the sky as rain soaked us both.

"M" I said she didn't say anything. I leaned up on my right elbow and looked at her. "Heyyy look at me tell me what's going on in your mind" I said. She still just laid there. I slowly reached over and caressed her cheek softly with the back of my fingers trying to bring her back from being stuck in her mind.

I grabbed the blanket of the back porch and brought it over to her. I sat her up wrapped the blanket around her and gently picked her up under her knees and shoulders. I walked us onto the porch out of the rain and sat in the rocking chair that was out there

I held her tight against me and gently rocked. "Come back to me M" I said quietly "Your safe I got you" 

I gently kissed her forehead then rested my cheek on her head. We sat that way for a half an hour before Sam came outside. "Hey" He said quietly. "Hey" I said. "How is she doing" He asked and sat on the couch next to the chair. "She is still stuck in her mind I wish I knew what was happening in there" I said. "I know man but your doing all that you can for her right now" He said.

I nodded "Where are the girls" I said. "Quin took kat andAmanda to St. Cloud she said something about getting stuff to help Marissa" He said. "Ok" I said. I looked down at Marissa as she just blankly stared at the rain. "Lets get you inside M" I said and stood up with her in my arms. Sam opened the door and helped me get her into the bedroom.

I sat her on the bed and Sam sat next to her. I grabbed her my  black always tired sweatshirt I wore earlier and her black pajama shorts. Sam left the room and I put Marissa into her pajamas. Sam Knocked "Come in" I said. He walked in with Astra in his arms. She squirmed and Whined when she saw Marissa. I sighed as Sam walked over. He handed me Astra and she still squirmed trying to get to Marissa and whined a little louder. "I know you want mommy but mommy needs a little bit squish" I said. Sam sat on the other side of Marissa and rubbed her back as a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Oh M" I whispered and wiped her cheek. She whimpered and I handed Astra to Sam. "Hey hey I'm right here baby girl your ok come back to me" I said. She slowly was coming back to reality. She stood up and went into the bathroom and shut and locked the door. I looked at Sam. "Don't Worry there isn't anything in there she can hurt herself with" He said. I sighed relieved.

I heard Marissa open the door and looked up she went into the kitchen and Sam and I followed her. She was frantically digging through drawers. I knew what she was looking for and it broke my heart. I walked over to her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her to me. She just walked past me and Sam and went back into the bedroom

Sam and I walked in and saw her sitting on the bed clenching her fist digging her nails in the stitches in her right hand. I rushed over. "Baby baby stop your ok" I said I tried to pry her fist open but she was clenching so tight she was shaking. "Sam" I said. He came over and gently helped me open her hand. 

"Let go" Marissa said. "You know I cant baby" I said and looked at her. I sighed because I knew she was less in her head from the pain. I wish I knew how to help her more so she didn't feel like she had to hurt her self to ground herself.

Sam left the room and I let go of Marissa's hand. She was out of her head but I still wasn't risking it. Sam came back with Astra and set her on the bed. She immediately jumped into Marissa's lap. Marissa grabbed her and kissed her face. 

"WERE BACK" Quin yelled as her and the girls walked in. "What did you get" Sam asked. Quin Kat walked over and Quin set a bag on the bed. Quin pulled out instant ice packs, fidgets, and sour candy. "This is your new emergency panic kit" Quin said. Marissa just rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom. We watched as she took her meds and climbed into the bed and laid down ignoring Quin. 

"We will give you some space" Sam said. Sam and the girls left the room and I stood up and looked at Marissa. "Do you want me to lay with you" I asked. She shook her head. I kissed her head and grabbed Astra. I'll be back in a little while goodnight Princess" I said then left the room shutting the door behind me. I walked into the living room where everyone was and set Astra down then sat in a chair across from the couch and recliner.

"She will be ok Colby this happens sometimes" Quin said. "I know I just can't help but worry" I said. I looked at the time it was 10:00pm. We all talked till about Midnight before everyone else went to bed, Quin decided to just sleep on the couch downstairs.

I sat in the living room on my phone with Astra before I heard the back door open and shut. I grabbed Astra and walked to the back door and went out. I set Astra on the grass. I saw Marissa sitting on the couch swing in the yard starring at the now clear starry sky. I walked over and she looked at me as I sat next to her. "I'm Sorry" She said.

"You have nothing to apologize for princess" I said and pulled her into me. She looked up at me "Why do you care so much why do you want to help" She asked. 

"Because I love you"

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