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Colby's POV

"Stay" Marissa whispered. "okay" I said.

She Pulled back the covers and patted the bed next to her. I walked around to the other side of the bed and slid in and pulled the covers up to my hips and laid my head on the pillow. I turned to my left to look at Marissa. She was laying on her right side staring back at me. 

I smiled softly then opened my arms to her and she scooted closer as I pulled her into my embrace. She laid her head softly on my chest. We laid that way for awhile before her breathing slowed and became steady signaling she was asleep. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and let myself relax. 

I would have to let Quin know in the morning. We exchanged numbers the night Marissa had a panic attack just in case. She texted me after Marissa got back from dropping her at the airport and told me to let her know if anything happened.

It warmed my heart to know that Marissa had someone like I had Sam.

I laid awake for awhile to make sure Marissa didn't have another nightmare. 

After awhile my eyes got heavy and I was struggling to keep them open. I sighed and let myself fall asleep.

I woke up to sun shining in through the windows. I looked down to see Marissa still fast asleep on my chest. I smiled softly then slowly reached for my phone careful not too wake her. I looked at the time. It was 11:45am. As I unlocked my phone the bedroom door slowly opened revealing Sam. I Brought my finger to my lips signaling too not be loud as I glanced down at Marissa's sleeping figure.

Sam nodded and walked over and sat in the chair closest to me. "She okay" he whispered.

"I don't know" I whispered back as I sighed and looked down at her. She looked so peaceful. Her cheeks a soft pink. Her beautiful lips parted slightly. Small wisps of her hair framing her face from her bun.

"You really like her don't you" Sam said quietly. I looked back at him and smiled. "I really do Sam" I whispered. Sam stood up and smiled. "I'm gonna pack up our stuff for the Clown tunnel tonight" He said and left the room shutting the door behind him softly.

I texted Quin telling her what happened then locked my phone and put it on the bedside table again.

A minute later Marissa stirred and slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Good Morning" I said softly and tightened my grip around her. "Good morning" she replied

"Sorry about last night I didn't mean to wake you" Marissa said. "Hey its ok don't apologize, and you didn't wake me I was helping Sam edit " I said. She nodded and sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I sat up and ran my hand through my dark hair that was pretty much black.

"You hungry" I asked her. "Starving" she said with a grin. "What time is it" she asked. "Almost noon" I said

She gasped. "Why did you let me sleep that long" she said and got out of bed and went to the dresser in a panic. "I have to get ready and shower and call Quin and eat and figure out what to bring to the Clown tunnel" She said. 

I got up from the bed and put my hands on her upper arms turning her to me. "Hey calm down you have time we aren't leaving for the clown tunnel till around 7 ok" I said. "Take a deep breath ok"

We both took a deep breath together. "Better" I asked. "better" she said

"I'm gonna call Quin and check in then get ready" She said. "Ok I'm gonna get ready too I will be in my room if you need me okay" I said. "okay" she said. "Then we can find something to eat" I said. Then smiled and turned and left the room closing the door.

I made my way up to my room then shut the door. I walked to my bathroom, got undressed, and  stepped into the shower letting the hot water relax my muscles. I showered quickly then got out wrapping a towel around my waist then walked into my room to check my phone. I heard a soft knock on my door and it slowly opened 

"Oh shit sorry" Marissa said. "Its ok" I said with a laugh and made my way to my closet as she stood by my door. "What's up" I called out as I pulled on my boxers and black skinny jeans "Um there are no towels in the my bathroom to shower" she called out. I pulled on my black sweater with a red skeleton on it and jogged into my bathroom and grabbed a clean towel.

"Here you go sorry about that" I said as I made my way back into the main area and handed her the towel. "Its ok thanks" she said and turned to leave. "No problem" I said as she left and closed my door

I pulled on my black vans with a skeleton foot on the top then made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. When I walked in I saw Sam at the pool table with our equipment spread out in front of him on it.

"What are you doing" I said as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and then walked over to him. "I feel like I'm forgetting something" he said  I looked down at our equipment and laughed

"what" he said. "Well you have our ghost equipment batteries camera batteries and camera equipment" I said still laughing. "What's so funny" Marissa said as she walked over to us.

"Sam cant figure out what he's forgetting" I said as she looked at the equipment. I watched as a smile formed on her face. "What" Sam said again as she smiled. "Maybe the camera" Marissa said as we both started laughing.

"GOD DANGGIT" Sam said and left the room to grab the camera. When he got back Marissa and I were still laughing and holding our sides from laughing so hard.

"You gonna help me or just stand there laughing" Sam said as he started to pack the stuff up. 

We eventually composed ourselves and helped Sam pack the equipment up. When we finished we just decided to get lunch from Postmates since it was already almost 1. We ordered Chipotle then made our way into living room so we could wait for Kat and our food .

About a half an hour later we were all discussing what the plan for tonight was when the front door opened revealing Kat and our bag of Chipotle "Some of this better be for me" she said with a laugh and walked into the living room and sat next to Sam across from Marissa and I.

"Oh hi you must be Marissa I'm Kat Its nice too meet you" Kat said. "Nice to meet you too" Marissa said back. "Colby has not shut up about you since you guys met the other night" Kat said.

"Kat!" I said as she ignored me.

"All good things I hope" Marissa said and looked at me. "Oh yeah" Kat said with a smirk. "Aw look you made him blush" Sam said. 

I just ignored him and started eating my food.

We all finished eating and hung out for a couple hours.

"Alright we should go" I said as I looked at my phone . It was 6:50pm "Sounds good" Sam said as we stood up I watched Marissa and Kat go into the guestroom as I made my way to my room.

I grabbed my wallet and pulled my leather jacket it on.

When I went down stairs I saw Marissa sitting on the floor in front of Kat as she braided Marissa's hair into 2 french braids. Marissa had changed into black jeans a tight long sleeve white shirt with a black ACDC t-shirt on top tied at the waist of her jeans with short black platform buckle boots. She Looked really cute

"Earth to Colby" Kat said breaking me from my thoughts. "Oh sorry" I said and looked over at Marissa who was looking down and blushing as kat finished her hair.

When we were already we all piled into Sam's tesla. Sam was driving I was in the passenger seat and Kat behind me in the back next to Marissa who was behind Sam

Every once and awhile I would look back and see Marissa laughing with Kat which made my heart melt. That's the moment I knew i was falling for her and nothing could stop it!

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