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Its been a week since I got my cast off and the staples out of my head. But I finally get to go home today. Colby went home earlier to get me some clothes to go home in. "Hey angel" He said as he walked in. "Hi" I said He leaned over and gently kissed me.

He handed me his blue shatter XPLR sweatpants and sweatshirt. "I'm so happy I don't have to wear these hospital gowns anymore." I said as Colby helped me undo it. I seriously don't know what I would do without him he helped me with everything during this hospital stay helped me bathe he wheeled me around the hospital when I was bored he helped me do my hair he can surprisingly braid decently. He made sure that I got to see Astra on facetime everyday.He just amazes me everyday.

He put the hoodie over my head and carefully helped me put my arms through. "Ok ready for pants." He said. I frowned. We have been working on slowly building up strength in my back again having me stand a little everyday.

I put my hand on his shoulders and he put his under my arms and gently helped me stand I clenched my jaw from the pain in my back. Colby slowly let go making sure I was balanced and then gently got me into the pants before sitting me back down.

"Leaving so soon." Dr Allen said. I laughed a little. "I've been here since July 27 its October 17." I said. We went over what I can and cannot do while my back is broken. We set up an appointment next week to start physical therapy and she gave Colby my pain meds because she knew I would toss them.

"Ok your all set and I want you to start walking a little bit each day ok and if the pain gets bad I want you to take one of the pain meds I just gave Colby." She Said. I nodded "Thank you so much." I said almost crying. She hugged me then Colby. "Seriously thank you" Colby said. "Your so very welcome" She said then left the room. Colby helped me into the wheelchair.

He wheeled me all the way to where he would pull up the car. "Ill be right back" He said. He turned and jogged to go get the car. I sat in the cool fall air and sighed taking in the fresh air. Colby pulled up his Corolla. He got out and opened the passenger door. He walked over wheeled me closer and helped me in. I smiled as He leaned over buckling me in. He shut my door and got into his seat.

"Ready" He said buckling his own seat belt. I nodded. We drove home and Colby Kept checking his phone every 5 minutes. "everything ok." I asked him. "Huh Oh yeah." He said Putting his phone down. 20 Minutes later we pulled into the driveway. Colby parked and got out.

He came and opened my door and gently helped me out. "Ok let's try walking a little ok." He said. I just nodded. He wrapped his left arm gently around my hips and held my right hand with his right hand. I slowly took a step and groaned. "Awesome keep going you got this." Colby said. I took some more steps whimpering as tears welled in my eyes. "Ok were almost there" Colby said. I pushed through the pain and by the time we got to the door my back was on fire .

"You did it were done M" Colby said as he wiped away my tears. "That... sucked" I said. Colby opened the door. "Welcome home" Sam and Kat said. I smiled there was a big sign that said welcome home Marissa. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. Sam left the room and came back a second later. "Sam what is that." I said laughing a bit.

It was a wheelchair with ribbon and a bike horn on it "Its for you" He said as he wheeled it over. Him and Colby helped me sit in it. Colby wheeled me into my room. "You guys." I said. My entire dresser and desk was covered in different vases of flowers from the friend group. There was packages and gifts on my bed.

Colby wheeled me in and helped me into my bed. He came and got in carefully and sat on my right side. Sam and Kat sat on the end of the bed. I opened the packages one was from my grandparents it had candy and black sherpa pj tank and matching shorts. The other was from Kristin Jared and Spencer. There was a cute red teddy bear and some fuzzy socks some boxes of shapes mac and cheese and some sprite.

Sam, Colby, And Kat went through the flowers from Amber, Corey and Devyn, Jake and Tara, Reggie and Cassie, Kevin Aryia and Mike, Quin and Elliot, Brennen, even Colby's parents. I yawned suddenly feeling tired. "You should rest for a while." Colby said. Him Sam and Kat helped me get situated before leaving my room. I fell asleep within a minute of them leaving.

Colby's POV

I quietly shut Marissa's door and Joined Sam in the Living room. I sighed and Sat down in the big lovesac beanbag. Kat let the dogs in and Astra jumped up on me. "Oh my god your not little anymore Astra girl." I said as she started to lick my face. "Okay okay that's a lot." I said as I gently moved her to the side of me. She huffed and laid down.

"That dog has so much attitude." Kat said. I laughed and looked at the time 2:06pm. Sam and Kat went upstairs to there room. I walked into the kitchen and got some water then went into the movie room with Astra following behind me.

I watched tv for a what felt like forever before I heard Marissa's Door open. I got up and walked out and found her wheeling herself to the kitchen. "Marissa what are you doing." I said as I jogged over to her. "I'm getting water." She said. "Did you get into the chair by yourself." I asked as I followed her into the kitchen. She nodded. "M you could have fell and messed up your back more." I said. "I'm Fine." she said trying to reach for a cup. She grabbed it but not fully causing it to fall and shatter.

"GOD DAMNIT." She screamed and slammed the cabinet shut. "Hey Its just a cup." I said as she put her head in her hands. "Its okay" I said. " NO IT'S NOT OKAY NOTHING IS FUCKING OK I CAN BARELY WALK MY BACK IS BROKEN." she screamed and started to cry as Sam and Kat walked in concerned. "I GOT THROWN BY A FUCKING DEMON I CAN BARELY DO ANYTHING MYSELF FUCK I CAN'T EVEN PEE WITHOUT NEEDING HELP. EVERY FUCKING TIME I THINK THINGS IN MY LIFE ARE FINALLY FALLING INTO PLACE SOMETHING HAPPENS. I CANT DO THIS." she sobbed

I walked over and gently grabbed her face in my hands making her look at me. "You can do this do you hear me yes you need help right now but that's because your healing, so what you broke a cup watch this." I said. I stood up and grabbed a cup and threw it letting it shatter on the floor. "oops" I said. "I break shit all the time and need help. okay everyone needs help sometimes." I said. She nodded. Sam and Kat walked over. Sam grabbed a glass and handed one to Kat as well. They looked at Marissa and smashed them on the floor.

She smiled a little. "Sorry" She said. "Its ok" Kat said ."Don't even worry about it." Sam said. He looked at me. "I have a idea take her outside ok" Sam told me I nodded. I wheeled Marissa outside and a minute later Astra ran out and ran over to Marissa. Astra started squealing and whining and wiggling so happy to see Marissa. "Oh hi baby" Marissa said with tears in her eyes.

I picked astra up and held her up so Marissa could see her and pet her. She kissed her face and pet her ears. Astra licked Marissa's face and kept whining. "Oh mama missed you so much." Marissa said she hugged Astra as best as she could and cried. "I'm never leaving you that long ever again ok I love you so much." She said to astra

I smiled so happy that our little family was back together finally.

We all went inside I cleaned up the glass and then we all relaxed and watched a movie in the movie room. Marissa sat on the couch with me and Astra laid on our laps. Sam and kat sat on the other couch with Kiwi. Half way through the movie I looked over and Saw Marissa fast asleep. I looked at my phone 9:37pm. I smiled

"Hey" I whisper shouted to Sam and Kat making them Look over. "Ill be right back I'm gonna bring her to bed." I whispered they nodded. I carefully moved Astra to the floor. I stood up and carefully got Marissa in my arms and Walked her to her room. I gently laid her in her bed and covered her. I kissed her head. "I love you sleep well." I whispered then left the room.

I walked back into the movie room and Sam paused the Tv. "How are you doin" he asked me as I sat back down on the couch with Astra. "I don't know man I have never seen her more angry and defeated." I said rubbing my hand down my face.

"Yeah it broke my heart to see her like that." Kat said. Sam put his arm around her. "She starts physical therapy next week." I said. "That's good that might help her be able to channel some of that anger into it." Sam Said. "Yeah but knowing her she is probably gonna try and push herself harder than she needs too." I said.

"Well we can just keep a look out for it." Kat said. "Yeah we are all willing to help her. And I know the friend group is too." Sam said. "ok but just one thing. Jake isn't allowed to be the only one with her when he is here." I said making us all laugh.

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