I woke up from my nap and looked at the time 4:30. I heard Spencer crying out in the living room. "Shit." I said sitting up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and put on my glasses and got out of bed. I walked out into the living room. Colby had Spencer in his arms walking around the living room bouncing him trying to get him calm as he screamed.

"Shhhhhhhh buddy its okaaay." Colby said to him. "Hey." I said slowing walking over. "Oh sorry did we wake you." Colby said. I shook my head no as Spencer reached for me. I took him from Colby. "Oh buddy it's okay." I said swaying with him. "How long has he been crying." I asked Colby.

"45 minutes." Colby said as I sat down. "Should we call and say hi to mama and dada." I said to Spencer as I took my phone of the coffee table. Colby sat on my left and Spencer crawled into his lap still fussing. I took out my phone and facetimed Kristin.

She answered after the second ring. "Hey hon how's it going." Kristin said when her and Jared popped up on the screen. It looked like they were at a casino restaurant. "Pretty good he is just having a little meltdown." I said Turning the screen so Spencer could see. He smiled. Kristin and Jared talked for a few minutes before they had to go.

Spencer was happier now. "See your okay." I said to him. We played for a while then he ate dinner. At 7 it was time for Spencer's bath. Colby brought him to our room and played with him on the bed while I got his bath ready.

Once it was ready I walked into the bedroom and sat by Spencer and Colby. I took Spencer into the bathroom and took off his clothes and diaper while Colby grabbed his bath stuff. Colby put his toys in the bath and then he grabbed him and put him in. I sat on a small step stool by the tub and Colby sat on the edge of the tub.

I got on my knees and leaned over the tub careful of my stomach. I got Spencer's hair wet and Colby handed me his baby shampoo. I put it in his hair and massaged it in while he played with his bath toy's. I used a cup to rinse his hair.

I grabbed a washcloth and wet it and put his baby wash on it. I washed him then rinsed him while Colby kept him happy. We let him play for a few minutes before Colby got him out and wrapped in his little hooded towel.

We brought him into our room and got him a clean diaper and his pajamas on. Colby sat on the edge of the bed and I sat in the chair In Colby and I's room and held Spencer while he drank his bottle. When he finished I gave it to Colby and he gave me Spencer's snuggle monkey and pacifier.

Spencer took his pacifier and put it in his mouth then hugged snuggle monkey laying in my arms. I started to sing to him and pat him to sleep. I looked over at Colby and he was smiling while I sang. After about 10 minutes Spencer was asleep in my arms.

I carefully laid him in the crib then Colby and I left the room shutting the door behind us softly. Colby and I walked out to the living room. Sam and Kat were sitting on the couch. "Hey is he asleep." Kat asked as I sat down next to her exhausted as I nodded.

"You okay." Sam asked me as Colby handed me a glass of water and sat next to me. "Yeah just tired." I said taking a sip of my water before setting it on the coffee table. We all talked for awhile and I felt the fluttering in my stomach. I couldn't wait to find out what we were having.


Today was Saturday the day of our gender reveal. It was 11:00 am and I was in Colby and I's bathroom finishing my hair. Yesterday Kat, Quin, and Kristin took me too get our hair and nails done. I got pale yellow nails that matched the yellow spaghetti strap dress I was wearing. It went just below my knee and the skirt of it was poofy. I wore a black cropped jean jacket on top. I had my hair died black.

I curled my hair and went to the living room. Devyn and Corey came early because Devyn wanted to do my makeup. I sat on the couch and she did a full face on me with black winged eyeliner on top, fake lashes and a charcoal brown lipstick.

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