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Colby's POV

I leaned back into Marissa pressing my lips against hers earning a soft moan from her. I pulled back and smiled. She smiled her cheeks flushed. I kissed her head and helped her off the counter. She took a sip of her drink. "Good." I asked. "Very." She said. "I'm glad you like it." I said as Dakota Tanner Sam and Kat walked in. "Let do some shots." Kat said. Everyone nodded.

We all poured ourselves a Tequila shot. "To Kat." Marissa said. We all clinked our glasses and repeated her. We then tapped our glasses against the counter before drinking them. I felt the familiar burn as the Tequila coated my throat.

I looked at Marissa as she shivered. "Not a fan of Tequila." I said chuckling. "I am just haven't drank in awhile." She said. I smiled. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders as we walked outside where everyone was. "I know." She said. "Hey Sam Kat." Marissa said calling them over. "What's up." Sam said. "Marissa and I have to ask you something important." I said. Sam nodded. "We were wondering if you would be Everest's god parents." Marissa said. Kat squealed and started to cry. "Of course." She said. "Absolutely." Sam said hugging us.

The rest of the party was fun. Around 2am it was just Corey Devyn Tara Jake Sam Kat Marissa and I left. We were sat in the living room just joking and laughing. Marissa and I headed to bed at 3. Marissa was pretty tipsy. I sat her on the bed. "Ok baby lets get you into some comfy clothes." I said as I undid her shoes taking them off her.

I helped her out of her dress and into my baggy grey sweat pants and her old yellow baggy tshirt. I got her sat back in bed as she giggled. "What." I said with a smile. "Your cute." She said. "Thank you." I said with a laugh. I wiped her makeup of and took the bobby pins out of her hair. I changed into some sweats and no shirt and climbed into bed pulling Marissa against me as she fell asleep. I smiled I couldn't wait to marry this girl


I was officially 6 and a half weeks post partum. I was cleared by Julie a few days ago which meant I could do pretty much everything again. Right now Colby was taking me somewhere for a surprise. Everest was at home with Sam Kat Corey and Devyn. Tara and Jake went back to LA a few days ago.

"Where are we going." I asked Colby. He set his hand on my thigh. "You'll see." he said. A few minutes later we pulled into a parking lot. "Today is about you. We are having a Spa date day." He said. "REALLY. I've never been to a spa." I said and quickly got out of the car. Colby chuckled and took my hand as we walked inside.

Colby and I got massages relaxed in a hot tub and sauna for a few hours. Around 4 we got home. The house was quiet. I sat on the couch tired as Colby went upstairs to see where everyone was. Astra walked out of Colby and I's bedroom and came and laid next to me on the couch.

I smiled. "Hi little chunk." I said softly petting her. Colby walked down stairs Everest in his arms. "They were taking a nap." He said. I nodded as Devyn and Corey came upstairs. "Hey how was the Spa." Devyn said. "Amazing." I said closing my eyes.

Colby came and sat next to me holding Everest. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. "Damn you look relaxed." Corey said. I just nodded. "You can go lay down baby." Colby said. "Are you sure." I said. "Yes go rest." He said. I nodded. I stood up and kissed Colby before going into our room.

I got in bed and pulled the covers over my shoulders and fell asleep

I was alone in a room i didn't recognize. It had circle windows like a ship and a bed with white sheet's. "Hello." I called out with no answer back. I walked towards a table that had a Ouija board and crystal on it. I all of a sudden felt fear and panic fill my chest. I turned and looked behind me. My blood froze seeing a tall black entity. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

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