Today is August 22 meaning I am 37 weeks. I woke up and stretched my arms and looked at my phone 11am. I put my phone down and put my hands on my stomach as Colby walked into our bedroom. He came and sat in bed with me. "Good morning love." He said and gave me a kiss. "How are you feeling." He asked me. "Terrified." I said. He grabbed my hand. "I will be with you through all of it okay we have everything ready to go." He said I nodded.

I grabbed the list of things that induce Labor that Julie gave us. "You ready." Colby asked me I nodded. Colby helped me stand up then helped me get dressed into his big gray sweatpants and his love like blood t shirt before we walked out to the living room.

When we got out there the whole group was on the couch. I laughed when I realized they were waiting for me. "You know I'm not in labor yet." I said. "We know but we are gonna be here either way." Tara said as I sat on the couch.

"Let's do this." Kat said. I smiled as Colby looked at the list. "Ok first thing castor oil." He said. "Gross" I said. Sam grabbed the bag of stuff Colby bought from the stuff on the list. Colby pulled out the castor oil and Devyn handed him the medicine syringe. Colby got castor oil into it then walked over to me.

I opened my mouth and Colby put the syringe to my lips. He pushed the oil out into my mouth. I swallowed quickly and shivered quickly drinking some of my water. "Oh my god that's fucking nasty." I said. I drank some more water. "Ok what's next." I said. "Um stairs." Colby said looking at the list.

"Yay." I said sarcastically as he helped me up from the couch. Everyone took turns walking up and down the stairs for me for an hour before we stopped. I sat on the couch out of breath. "Now what." I said then drank my water. "Evening Primrose Oil." Sam read from the list. Colby got it out and in the syringe and gave it to me. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good. I drank my water.

"The next one says pumping." Colby said. I held my hands out and Corey helped me stand up. Colby and I went to the nursery. He helped me put the pump on in my maternity bra then put my t shirt back on. Colby grabbed the actual machine part and we went back to the living room.

Colby helped me sit down. "Ready." He said. "Yep." I said. Colby turned it on and it made a whirring pumping noise it wasn't loud you could barely hear it when talking. "Woah that feels so weird." I said. "I bet." Colby said. The group dispersed leaving Colby and I on the couch.

We sat there for a few hours using the pump. at around 5:30 we shut it off and took it off cause it was getting uncomfortable. I sat on the yoga ball in the living room and bounced. I did that till I got to tired. Colby got me laid on the couch. "This better work." I said as he sat next to me pulling me so my head was on his lap. "We just have to wait and see." He said then kissed my head.

I fell asleep for a while and woke up around 9 when Colby moved. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How you feeling." Colby asked me. "Fine nothing yet." I said. "Wanna try some more castor oil and evening Primrose." He asked me. I nodded. Colby gave me a little more of both before we went to bed.

We got settled in bed Colby wrapping his arm around me. "Wake me up if anything happens." He said. "I will I love you." I said "I love you too." Was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep. I woke up around 4 am to a contraction. "Ah." I groaned sitting up holding my stomach. I used my right arm to shake Colby awake.

He sat up quickly. "Contraction." He asked me. I nodded trying to breath. "Okay okay I'm here just breathe." He said taking my hand I squeezed his hand and we waited out the contraction. Once it stopped. I breathed heavily "I guess it worked." I said. Colby rubbed my back. "We have to wait till they are 5 minutes apart a minute long for a hour before we go in so we have time here." He said. I nodded.

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