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I saw Colby look back at me every once and awhile and smile at me from the passenger seat. I couldn't help but smile back. His smile infectious it could light up any room.

"Hey you ok" Kat asked nudging me. "What oh yeah sorry" I said. She just smiled at me. "You like him to don't you" she said quietly so the boys wouldn't hear us from the front of the car.

I just smiled softly and nodded my head. She gasped "I knew it" she said loudly. "Knew what" Colby asked. I just stared at Kat. "Oh uh that she's from Minnesota" Kat said I sighed relieved.

"How could you not her accent is so prominent" Colby said with a laugh

"No its not" I said. "NO" they all said in a Minnesotan accent mimicking me

"oh my god" I said embarrassed and looked down blushing. "Hey I think its cute" Colby said looking back at me. I smiled back at him as Sam parked. 

I jumped out of the car slinging my back pack on. "Come on lets go" I said as Sam, Colby, and Kat walked to the trunk. "Ok speedy" Sam said causing Colby to chuckle. "Sorry I'm just really excited" I said. "No really" Colby said sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at him. Colby laughed then did it back.

"Ok children" Sam said. We laughed. I waited for a few more minutes before got impatient. "Ok I will meet you guys there" I said. I made it maybe 5 feet before Colby caught up with me out of breath. "Why are you breathing so hard that was 5 feet" I said.

"Because you decided to go by yourself so I rushed grabbing my stuff because you aren't going alone" Colby said grabbing my right hand lacing his fingers through mine. "I would have been fine" I said. "Still not risking it" he said.

A couple minutes later we made it to a steep slope that led to the outside of the tunnel. "Ok Colby and I will go down first since we've done it before" Sam said. Kat and I just nodded. Sam went first slowly walking down the slope leaning back for balance then looked up when he made it. Colby went next and just ran down almost falling when he got to the bottom. Kat went next but she went backwards so she could use her hands for support. Sam helped her when she was a few feet from the bottom.

"Ok be careful" Colby shouted. I nodded and sat down on my butt and started to slowly slide down. I made it down then put my hands down to push myself up only to gasp from pain that stung my right hand. 

"What's wrong are you ok" Colby asked then crouched down in front of me. I turned my hand over and gasped. There was a jagged piece of broken glass sticking out of my hand and it was stuck deep in there. "Ow fuck" I said through gritted teeth.

"Shit your okay just breathe for a second" Colby said "Sam can I have the first aid kit and my water bottle from your bag" he said. "Yeah just a second" Sam said. Colby lightly took the sides of my hand careful not to touch the gash or the glass.

"Here brother" Sam said and handed Colby the first aid kit and water. "Thanks" Colby said. Sam nodded and walked over to Kat who had walked away because of the blood.

"We have to get this glass out ok" Colby said. I nodded "Do you have something I can bite down on this is gonna hurt like a bitch and I don't think we want the cops called because of me screaming" I said. "Shit yeah just a second" He said. He grabbed a black beanie out of his jacket pocket. "Here" He said. I grabbed the beanie from him and bit down on it.

"Ready" Colby said. I nodded. He opened his water and poured it on my hand. I groaned biting on Colby's beanie. This hurt but I knew taking out the glass was gonna be worse because it was probably gonna cut my hand more inside when it got pulled out.

"Hey Sam can you come here" Colby said. I saw Sam hesitate for a second. "Go I'm fine" kat said Sam nodded and walked over and crouched next to Colby. "What's up" Sam said. "I need you to comfort her and keep her calm so I can do this I would but I need both hands" Colby said.

"Of course no problem Is that okay with you Marissa" Sam said. I nodded and he came and sat on my left side. He wrapped his right arm tightly around my shoulders and held my other hand with his left.

"Ok I'm gonna start" Colby said. I nodded and braced myself as Colby grabbed the big medical tweezers and brought them to my hand. I bit down and groaned loudly as Colby grasped the glass with the tweezer. He looked at Sam and nodded.

I felt Sam nod back. "Ok Marissa are you excited for the tunnel" Sam said trying to distract me. It worked for a second before I felt Colby pull. I felt the glass cut me more as Colby slowly pulled. I bit down and screamed into the beanie as I squeezed Sam's hand. Tears streaming down my face as I bit down.

"Ok it's out Marissa its ok" Colby said I relaxed leaning my head back on Sam's shoulder for a second. I leaned forward and took the beanie out of my mouth to catch my breath. I looked down at my hand and saw a inch long gash that was really deep. It was bleeding a lot more  now that the glass wasn't put pressure on the places it cut through.

"Is there hydrogen peroxide in there" I said as Sam went back over to Kat. "yeah" Colby said. He grabbed it and handed it to me. I unscrewed the top then took a deep breath and dumped it on my hand. I hissed from the stinging pain but it quickly went away.

"You didn't have to do that" Colby said as he bandaged my hand. "I'm not risking an infection" I said.

Colby finished bandaging my hand then put everything back in the bag and helped me up. "Ok lets explore" I said. "What no Marissa you need stitches" Colby said. "I'm fine for now we can go in the morning" I said. "I'm not gonna win this argument am I" Colby said. "Nope" I said then kissed his cheek and walked over to Sam and Kat. "You ok Kat" I asked. She laughed "you just got glass pulled out of your hand and screamed from pain and your asking if I'm ok" she said. I laughed "Yeah I guess I am" I said.

"I'm good how's your hand" Kat said. "Good for now" I said. I walked to the entrance of the tunnel put my back pack down and squeezed through the opening in the bent gate then turned and reached through pulling in my bag. 

I heard Colby laugh as he squeezed through. "What" I said. "Most girls wouldn't walk close to this place alone and you just went in like it was nothing" He said as Sam and Kat got in. "Well I'm not like most girls" I said. "I know" He said with a smile.

I leaned up to kiss him but was interrupted by a loud bang further into the dark tunnel!!!

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