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Trigger warning abuse and panic attacks

I nervously picked at my fingers as Colby drove to the hospital for my first physical therapy appointment. Colby reached over and grabbed my left hand to stop me picking my fingers. I looked over at him. He glanced and smiled at me before looking back at the road. We got to the hospital and Colby parked. He got out and grabbed the walker out of the back seat. Dr Allen told Colby that a walker would be a lot easier with helping me walk more again. It still hurt like hell but not as bad.

Colby opened my door and helped me get out. I grabbed onto the walker. "I hate this I look like I'm 80 with this stupid thing." I said. Colby chuckled "No you don't." He said as we started slowly walking to the doors into the hospital. We got in and went up to the 4 floor. We checked in then sat in the waiting room.

"Marissa." A nurse said. I stood up and slowly walked over with Colby. "Hi I'm Amy I'm Dr Millers Nurse." She said. "Nice to meet you I'm Colby." Colby said and shook her hand. "And I already know who you are." Amy said to me as she walked us into what looked like a gym but maybe half the size. There was a lot of different things in there.

She had me sit down on an exam table that was in the room. I sat and Colby pulled up a chair next to me as Amy checked my vitals. Amy finished and Dr miller walked in. "Hi you must be Marissa I'm Dr Miller but please call me Kim." She said as she sat on a stool in front of me. "And this is Boyfriend?" She asked. "Yes Hi Colby." He said and shook her hand.

"Its nice to meet you guys so I have talked with Dr Allen about your back and the extent of your injury and it seems like you really took a beating." She said. I just nodded not wanting to get into the specifics.

Kim stood up. "Ok so the first thing I want to do is just kinda see where were at with mobility and stuff like that." She said. "So Amy here is gonna stand 10 feet away and I want you to use your walker and just simply walk down there so I can see." She said. I nodded and she grabbed my hands and helped me off the exam table.

I grabbed on to the walker and looked at Kim. "Whenever your ready." She said. I started to walk slowly to Amy. When I got to Amy I turned around. "Ok that was good." Kim said. "Now I want you to try and walk faster and try and straighten up." She said.

I took a deep breath and straightened up and started to walk faster. I felt my back start to hurt a lot but I just ignored it and pushed through it all the way back to Kim and Colby. "Good that was really good" Kim said.

We did that a couple of times and then she showed me some stretches and things I can do at home in between appointments. When we got home I slowly walked into the house with Colby. I opened the door and was greeted by Devyn and Corey. "Oh angel" Devyn said as she came over and gently hugged me. "I missed you too." I said.

"Okay out of my way Aunt Coreys turn." Corey said making me giggle. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "I'll be right back I'm gonna grab a water." Colby said to me I nodded and he walked to the kitchen. Devyn and Corey walked with me into my room. Corey helped me get all the way into my bed then him and Devyn sat at the foot of my bed.

"How ya feeling kid." Corey asked me as Colby walked in and came and sat next to me on the right. " I don't know I mean I'm not good or bad I'm just I don't know." I said. "That's understandable after what you have been through." Devyn said.

"So what brings you guys over." I said. they both looked at Colby. "Well Sam and I have a couple meetings today and Kat left for Canada this morning so these two are gonna keep you company" Colby said. "So there my babysitters" I said a little annoyed. "They are just here just in case you need help ok." Colby said. I just nodded. "Were cool babysitters we'll let you stay up late eat candy and watch scary movies." Corey said making us all laugh. we all chatted for about 10 minutes Before Sam and Colby left.

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