Colby's POV

Marissa yawned and I looked at the time. 2am. "We should try and get some sleep." I said softly. Marissa nodded and sat up and swaddled Everest back in his blanket. I grabbed the clear bassinet and rolled it next to the bed. Marissa Kissed Everest's head then handed him to me. I gently laid him in his bassinet. "Can you hand me my bag love." Marissa asked. "Sure baby." I said. I grabbed her bag and set it next to her. She opened it and grabbed her contacts case then took her contacts out and put them in there. She put it back and Zipped her bag. I moved it back to the floor.

Marissa laid on her right side looking at Everest. "Will you lay with me please." She said softly as I walked over. "Of course." I said. I got in and laid behind her and pulled the blankets up then gently wrapped my arm around her. "That was the hardest thing I have ever done." She whispered. I kissed her head. "I know but you did fucking amazing I'm so fucking proud of you." I said softly

She hummed in response falling asleep. I smiled "I love you." I whispered before falling asleep with her. Marissa and I woke up at 4:30 to Everest crying. I got up and gently picked him up. "He's probably hungry." Marissa said sitting up and rubbing her eyes as I sat next to her.

She undid her gown then I handed him to her. "Shhhhhh." she said. He had a little trouble for a few minutes before he finally latched on and started to eat. I smiled and sat next to them. "Your so beautiful." I said and Kissed Marissa's head. "I look like death right now." She said.

"Hey you just gave birth 3 hours ago cut yourself some slack. Your perfect to me." I said. She smiled softly. She fed Everest for awhile before burping him. Once she was done I laid him back in his bassinet then Marissa and I went back to sleep. Every few hours a nurse would come in and push on Marissa's stomach every few hour's making sure the were no blood clots and that her uterus was feeling normal. I felt bad because it hurt her alot.

I woke up around 8:30. I sat up careful not to wake Marissa and stretched. Everest started too fuss a little. I got up and picked him up. "Shhhhh it's okay." I said softly as I gently rocked back and forth. There was a soft knock. I turned around and saw my parents walk in. "Shhh Marissa is sleeping." I said. quietly.

They nodded and walked over to me. "Oh Cole he is beautiful." My mom said "Thanks you wanna hold him." I said she nodded and sanitized her hands. I handed him to her and she smiled. Marissa groaned and turned over and opened her eyes. "Hi guys." She said her voice crackly. I walked over to her as she sat up. She hissed in pain.

"Hey you ok." I asked her as I raised the bed so she could sit. "I'm just really sore." She said as my dad walked over. Marissa held her hand out for him and he grabbed it then kissed the top of her head. "Congratulations to you both." He said. Marissa smiled. "Thank you." She said. My mom walked over as Everest started to fuss. "I think someone is hungry." She said

"Probably." Marissa said as my mom handed him to her. My parents turned around and Marissa unbuttoned her gown and got him to latch and then i covered her with a blanket. "Ok were good." I said. My parents turned around. We chatted while Marissa fed him. She lifted him to her shoulder and burped him.

As she did that Everest spit up in her hair. "Oh buddy." She said as she moved him. "It's okay that's normal." My mom said. "Do you wanna hold him." Marissa asked my dad. He smiled and nodded then sanitized his hands. Marissa handed Everest to him. My dad smiled big.

"Babe can you help me shower I need to get this out of my hair." Marissa said to me. "Okay baby." I said. "Are you guys okay watching him for a bit." I asked. "Go we got him." my mom said. "Thank you." Marissa said. Her face scrunched in pain and she blew out a breath as I helped her stand up.

I helped her slowly walk to the bathroom and got her sat on the toilet. I went and grabbed the loose dark blue silk pajama's I got her and a pair of underwear and her toiletries bag. I walked back in to the bathroom.

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