Colby and I immediately booked flights this morning and flew out to Minnesota then drove to Detroit lakes hospital. We got there at 12:00pm. My granny and grandfather who we called Gup were sitting in the waiting room for me. They got up and hugged me. "Oh Granny Gup this is Colby." I said. "It's nice to meet you guys." Colby said shaking Gup's hand.

"Uh oh did you eat a watermelon seed." Gup said and pointed to my stomach. I giggled and Colby laughed. I missed Gup's silliness. Colby and I followed Gup and My Granny to Grandma William's room. Granny and Gup walked in and we followed.

I gasped and brought my hand to my mouth when I saw Grandma William's. She was so pale and frail granted she was 94 but she never looked like this. She stirred and opened her eyes when she heard us. "Marissa." She said barely audible.

"I'm here grandma." I said tearing up as I walked over to her. I sat next to her bed and held her hand as tears streamed. "We will give you guys some time." Granny said then her and Gup left the room. "You must be Colby." Grandma whispered. "Yes Ma'am." Colby said and walked over and sat in the chair next to me.

"It nice to meet you." Grandma whispered then held her hand out. Colby smiled softly then gently shook her hand. Grandma then looked at me and brought her hand to my cheek. She wiped a tear away with her thumb. "Heyy don't be sad I get to go see Grandpa." She said. "I know I just wish you could meet our boy and be at our wedding." I said. She smiled. "I will be watching over that boy and I will be at your wedding in spirit." She said

I nodded and wiped my face and smiled. We talked for a bit before she started to get tired. "We will let you rest and be back later." I said softly as she dozed off. Colby and I stood up and I kissed her hand before setting it down gently.

Colby and I got a uber to our hotel. I sat quietly the whole time while he held my hand. We arrived at the hotel and Colby got us in and grabbed our bags. We made our way up to the 5th floor and to our room. I unlocked the door and walked in with Colby.

I went and opened the curtains to get some light in the room. I stood there looking at the lake trying to hold myself together but it wasn't working. I took a deep breath then turned around. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said as I pulled out some sweats and a shirt from my bag and my toiletries.

"Alright." Colby said then kissed me quick. "You okay." He asked me when we separated. I shrugged "As good as I can be right now". I said. Colby rubbed my arms. "That's understandable." He said I nodded. "Ok enjoy your shower yell if you need anything." He said. "Okay." I said then walked into the bathroom closing the door.

I turned on the shower then got undressed and got in. I washed my body then my hair. As I finished rinsing my hair Everest started kicking. I smiled but it quickly faded remembering again Grandma would never meet him.

I broke down and sat on the floor of the shower facing the water with my face in my hands as I cried. Colby must have heard me because a minute later he was knocking. "M are you okay." He said opening the door.

"I'm o..kay" I said my voice breaking. He walked in and opened the shower curtain. I didnt look at him I just cried into my hands. He turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. He lifted me out of the shower and sat me on the bathroom floor with him.

"Shhhhhhhh." He said as he held me. I held onto his shirt as I cried into his chest. We sat that way for a few minutes before I calmed down. I pulled back a little and looked at Colby. He smiled softly and wiped the tears off my face.

He helped me up and helped me get dressed. We walked out of the bathroom Colby and I sat on the bed and he gently brushed my hair then put it in a braid for me. When I had broken my back Colby insisted on doing it for me and he still loved to do it.

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