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Colby and I sat in the small exam room for an hour before the door opened and Dr Olson walked in with a sleeping Everest. He handed him to me. "Hi Lovebug." I whispered and gently caressed his cheek. "So the test's went good. He has 2 small stitches on the bottom of his right upper arm with a bandage on top of it. He has some marks on his back from allergy testing which good news all the allergy tests were negative. So now we wait for the blood and tissue test results." Dr Olson said.

I nodded. "Thank you." Colby said. "Your welcome. He will probably feel out of it and pretty fussy today and tonight from the gas but he should be over it tomorrow. He might feel sore in his arm for a bit to but that's normal" Dr Olson said. "Okay." I said. "Alright we will call you when the test results come in enjoy the rest of your day." Dr Olson said. "You too." Colby said as Dr Olson left.

I got Everest buckled into his carseat then grabbed his diaper bag. Colby carried the carseat on his right arm then grabbed my hand with the other and we walked out to the car. I threw the diaper bag in the back and Colby secured the carseat in the back. I got in the car and buckled and sighed as Colby got into the drivers seat.

Colby buckled and started the car and we started our way home. I zoned out worrying about Everests results I didn't realize we were home until Colby put his hand on my leg. I blinked a few times snapping out of it and looked over at him. "Huh." I said. "Were home sweetheart." He said. "Oh sorry." I said as I tucked my hair behind my ears. "It's okay." Colby said as he looked at me worried.

I painted a smile on my face. "We should probably get little man down for a nap." I said and got out of the car. I quickly grabbed my purse and the diaper bag as Colby grabbed the carseat then followed me inside. I walked into our room and set my purse on the plush bench at the end of our bed and sighed. Colby set the carseat on the bed then got Everest out and changed then laid him down in his bassinet.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said then got up and went into our bathroom. I shut the door so I wouldn't wake up Everest. I turned the shower on and got undressed. I washed myself and my hair. The whole time all I could think about were what Everest's test results would be.

I started to break down. If he had anything it would be my fault. I leaned my back against the wall and slid down to the floor of the shower and brought my knee's to my chest. I cried quietly not wanting to wake Everest. I sat in the shower and got lost in thought.

I was pulled out of it by someone shaking my shoulders. I blinked a few times and looked up to see Colby. "Colby." I said. " M what are you doing." He asked me as I looked around. "I was um. How long have I been in here." I said. "An hour the water was ice cold when I turned it off and your shivering." He said. A hour it felt like 5 minutes.

Colby reached out and grabbed a towel then wrapped it around my shoulder's before helping me up and out of the shower. He grabbed the under wear and bra I had set out then grabbed his black sweatpants and cmfrt hoodie and helped me get dressed. then he changed into a tshirt and sweats.

We walked out to the bedroom and Everest started to cry. I went to get him but Colby stopped me. "I got him sweetheart we need to get you warmed up." He said. He got me in bed and pulled the covers over me. He gave Everest his pacifier then came and got in bed with and pulled me so my head was laying in his lap.

"M whatever happens and whatever those test results say its gonna be alright." he said as he brushed my wet hair back from my forehead. "I think it would be a good Idea if you made an appointment with Dr.Mourey." He said causing me to frown.

"Hey remember there is no shame in needing help love alright." He said then gently caressed my cheek. "Ok." I said. "And I think Kat has something to talk to you about and I have a feeling it's gonna help you feel better." Colby said smiling.

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