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Today is Wednesday September 20th Kat's birthday. I woke up at 6 to start getting stuff ready. I went into Colby and I's closet where I had been hiding party stuff and got to work blowing up the pink and the purple balloons. I blew up 10 in the span of 15 minutes before Colby walked into the closet in his sweat pant's no shirt rubbing his tired eyes.

"Baby what are you doing up already." He said in his morning voice. "I have so much to do." I said as I started to blow up another balloon. Colby crouched in front of me. "Baby the party isn't until 7 that's in over 12 hours." He said as I tied the balloon.

"I know." I said starting to blow up another balloon. Colby took the balloon from me. "Hey what are you doing." I said as he set it to the side. "We have a something to blow up the balloon's with and you are gonna get light headed." Colby said standing then pulling me up by my hands.

I scrunched my face from the soreness in my stomach. I was feeling alot better but was still a little sore. After having Everest I get queasy from blood or just raw meat. I wasn't before but now anything even a little gross can send me over the edge.

"You okay." Colby asked. "Yep." I said then stood on my tiptoes and kissed him quick. Colby brought me back to bed. He held me with my head on his bare chest rubbing my back. "Why are you really up and stressing already." He said softly.

"I just want it to be perfect for her. She does so much for me and I need to do this for her. I guess I feel like I don't do enough for her." I said. "Hey you have alot on your plate right now. But I understand where your coming from. Just let us help with it okay." He said. I nodded and he kissed my head

I snuggled up and fell asleep. I woke up around 10 to a empty bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I groaned feeling how full and uncomfortable my breasts were. I stood up and pulled on Colby's sweat pants since I was in just a t shirt and underwear.

I walked into the nursery and shut the door then grabbed the pump. I sat in the rocking chair and got it on. I turned it on and relaxed closing my eyes. 5 minutes later there was a knock. "M" Colby said opening the door.

I smiled at him as he came in and shut the door. He walked over to me and sat on the foot rest. "You alright." He asked me taking my hand in his. "Yeah I'm good just need to pump so my boobs don't explode." I said making him chuckle. "We can't have that can we." he said and kissed my hand. I shook my head.

"Where is Everest." I asked. "Devyn and Corey have him." Colby said. I nodded. Colby sat with me and kept me company till I finished pumping. He then helped me measure and bag it. I put it in the freezer then shut it. When I turned around Colby wrapped his arm's around my waist and kissed me.

We pulled away and he smiled. "I'm proud of you." He said. "Why." I said confused. "Your already an amazing mother you have been working hard in therapy and you always make sure I'm happy." He said and caressed my cheek as my eyes started to tear up.

"I love you." I said as a tear fell. "I love you too." He said wiping the tear away with his thumb. I hugged him tight and buried my face into his chest. He hugged me back tightly not too tight being careful of my back. Getting pregnant right after breaking my back was not the best thing.

My back was in some pain but not bad. I had a year follow up appointment next week with Kim. Colby and I separated as Devyn and Corey came upstairs Devyn carrying Everest. I smiled as Devyn handed him to me. I kissed his cheek bringing him to my shoulder rubbing his back.

Sam and Kat walked downstairs already dressed. "Happy birthday." we all said. "Thank you Sam's taking me out for the day." She said happily. "Have fun." I said as Sam and her left. "Okay someone text Tara and Jake to get down here." I said.

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