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"I know there almost here love." I said cradling Colby's head in my lap. He wasn't screaming anymore but was groaning and breathing hard. The doorbell rang then a few seconds later paramedics ran in. Sam and I stood back as they got Colby onto a stretcher then followed them out.

"Someone can ride with." a paramedic said. "Go Kat and I got Everest. I'll call Layne and Lesa." Sam said. "Thank you." I said and quickly got into the ambulance. We sped off and made it to the hospital in 5 minutes. I followed Colby into the ER and to the small room he was wheeled into. They got him onto the bed and nurses and a doctors quickly got to work. I sat in a chair behind his head and talked to him softly.

"I'm right here love." I said. The nurses hooked him up to a Iv and then put a blood pressure cuff on his left arm and a pulse ox meter on his left pointer finger. "Ok Cole where exactly is the pain in your side." A doctor asked. Colby pointed to his lower left side. "Alright Ann get me a ultrasound machine." The doctor said to a nurse. She quickly ran out of the room. "I'm Dr Hansen." The man said

"Alright Cole I'm gonna push and palpate your abdomen to see if i feel anything." Dr Hansen said. Colby nodded and I put my hands on the sides of his head and gently caressed his cheeks with my thumbs. Dr Hansen pulled Colby's shirt up then began to press on his abdomen. When he pushed on his left side Colby cried out in pain.

"I know I'm sorry." Dr Hansen said. "Hey look at me baby." I said. Colby looked up at me. "That's it focus on me your gonna be okay." I said as I held back the panic I was feeling in my chest for his sake. Ann walked in with the ultrasound machine.

Dr Hansen got it ready then put the wand on Colby's stomach and moved it around. "Well there's our culprit Cole you have a pretty large kidney stone." Dr Hansen said. He turned off the machine. "Ann here is gonna get you started on some pain meds then you will be admitted for surgery first thing in the morning since it's to big to pass." Dr Hansen said "Thank you." I said. Dr Hansen nodded.

Ann got The pain meds hooked to the Iv then we were brought upstairs and put into a actual room. Ann got Colby situated then left us alone. I sat on Colby's right side and took his hand in mine. He smiled at me now that the pain meds were kicking in. I smiled back.

"I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said then caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. I could tell he was tired. "Get some sleep." I said. He nodded "You too." He said. I nodded. I will I just have to Call Sam quick." I said. He nodded his eyes already fighting him. I kissed him quick then went to the hallway and Called Sam.

"Hey." Sam answered. "Hey." I said I updated Sam on what was going on. Sam and I talked for about a half hour before Colby's monitor started Alarming and I saw nurses run into his room. "No." I said and ran in. I dropped my phone Colby was pale and unresponsive. "His pulse is week Ann said to another nurse. Dr Hansen ran in with a ultrasound machine and quickly scanned Colby again.

"Call the OR now let them now were coming up now this stone needs to be taken out." He said as They rushed Colby's bed out of the room. "What's Happening." I sobbed. "The stone tore his kidney and he was bleeding internally but were doing everything we can." Ann said before rushing out and following them.

I stood there in shock till I heard Sam realizing he was still on the phone. I grabbed it off the ground. "S..sam." I choked out. "Shhhh were on our way we heard everything hold on we will be there soon." he said then hung up. I went and sat on the small couch in the room and broke down.

A nice girl my age who was a intern came and sat with me her name was Alaya. She comforted me till Sam and Kat ran in with the stroller. I stood up and Kat ran to me. I collapsed into her arm's sobbing. "Oh honey." She said sitting us down on the Couch as Alaya talked to Sam then left the room. Sam pulled a chair over and sat in front of us with the stroller.

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