I woke up on the couch alone and confused. "Guys." I called out. No answer. "Guys." I said again still no answer. I got up and looked around I looked in Colby and I's room and the nursery and the kitchen then made my upstairs and still nothing.

I went back down to the kitchen. I was about to go look in the back yard when I heard laughter from the basement. I walked over to the door and slowly walked down the stairs. Sam, Colby, and Kat were sitting looking at something on the computer.

Colby was in one computer chair's and Sam in the other with Kat sitting on his lap. "Hey there she is." Colby said as I walked over to them. He grabbed my hand gently and patted his lap. "Colby I'm 20 pounds heavier right now I don't want to crush your legs.

He just gently grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Still perfect." he whispered and kissed my cheek. "What are you watching." I asked looking up at the computer. "We are just looking at some funny behind the scenes stuff for XPLR Club from our UK trip in March." Sam said as he finished uploading it to XPLR Club.

"What time is it." I said. Colby pulled out his phone. "5:00" he said. "I should get ready before they get here at 6." I said standing up. "What's wrong with what your wearing." Colby said getting up and following me as I walked upstairs.

"I'm wearing sweats and I need to shower. Plus I bet since it the premiere of our destination fear episode pictures will be taken." I said walking to our room. "Ok I'm gonna help you." Colby said as we entered our room shutting the door behind us. "Colby I don't..." I started. Colby turned me around and took my face gently in his hand's.

"Please let me help you." He said softly as he stroke my cheek with his thumb. "Okay." I said softly. He smiled and kissed me quick before we went into our bathroom. Colby turned on the shower while I got undressed.

Colby went to grab my clothes I had set out for tonight earlier. I looked at myself in the mirror. My belly button had popped out and I had gotten that dark line down the middle of my stomach. I put my hands on my stomach and rubbed it lightly.

Colby walked in and sat my clothes on the counter then walked over to me. "How do I already look like I'm gonna pop when I have 20 weeks left." I said. "Well you have to remember your small Your 5'2' 138 pounds." He said.

"Oh god he is gonna is gonna rip me in half." I said. Colby chuckled "No he won't you will be okay." He said and kissed my head. "Now get your cute ass in that shower." He said then smacked my ass. I laughed and opened the shower door and got in.

I sighed as the warm water hit my skin. Colby sat on the stool from my vanity in the door way of the shower so the door stayed open in case I needed him. I washed my hair and my body without problem. As I was rinsing off I felt a hard kick hitting my ribs. I jolted and almost slipped. Luckily Colby jumped up fast and steadied me.

"Shit you okay." He asked me as I held onto his forearm's. I nodded taking a deep breath. "Yeah he just kicked me pretty good." I said quietly. "Okay princess. Are you done with your shower." He asked me. I nodded and he turned the water off.

He helped me out of the shower and handed me my towel and robe. I dried off then put my hair up in the towel then put my robe on. Colby set my stool back by my vanity for me then helped me sit down. I did my eyebrows then put on some winged top liner and mascara and clear lips gloss. I took my hair down and brushed it then got dressed.

I put on black maternity leggings and red flowy maternity short sleeve. I put my contacts in and walked out into the living room. I sat on the couch and looked at my phone. 5:56pm. Kat walked down the stairs. "Hey." She said. "Hey where are the guys." I said. "There in the office on a phone call they should be done soon. I'm gonna let the dog's out." She said then went into the back yard.

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