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The funeral was this morning and Colby and I were now on our flight home. After the funeral My granny gave me one of grandma Williams Cardigans She always wore one it was her thing . It was knit black and long and went down to my mid thigh. I hadn't taken it of since I got it. It made me feel a little better.

I had my arms wrapped around Colby's left arm with my head rested against him with my eyes closed. The pilot came over the speaker saying we would be landing. "Marissa." He said and kissed my head. "Were landing." I said my voice crackly from how much I have cried lately. He smiled "Yes I thought you were sleeping." He said as I sat up. I shook my head.

An hour and a half later our uber pulled up to our house. We got out and Colby grabbed the bags while I put in the gate code. We walked into the house and it was quiet because Sam and Kat left for Canada this morning for Kat's cousins grad party.

They had dropped the dogs off with Dakota and tanner last night. Colby and I walked into Our bedroom and Colby started to unpack while I took a shower. I got out and put on underwear and pajama shorts and one of Colby's oversized t-shirt's. I put my glasses on and looked in the mirror. my eyes were red from crying so much and bloodshot . I sighed then put grandma William's cardigan back on.

I bundled the sleeves in my hands and walked into the bedroom. Colby was sat on the couch on the phone. He smiled at me when I came out. I walked over and sat on my side of the bed looking out the window. It was starting to rain.

I zoned out staring at the rain thinking about grandma. I snapped out of it when Colby sat next to me. "Hey." He said softly as I looked at him. "Hi." I said quietly. "So it's 5:30 and I just talked to Dakota and him and tanner should be here around 6 with the dogs." He said.

I nodded and Colby pushed my messy wet hair out of my face then kissed my forehead. He got up and walked to the bathroom and came back a few seconds later with my hairbrush. He got on the bed behind me. "Scoot back princess." He said.

I scooted back to the middle of the bed where he was sitting and he started to brush out my hair. He was always so gentle working in small sections brushing the bottom then top. When he finished he set the brush down then pulled me against him. I laid my head back against his shoulder and he put his hands on my growing belly.

"Oof." I breathed as I felt strong kick. "I felt that one he's getting pretty strong." Colby said. "Yeah he is." I said softly. Colby and I sat that way for awhile before we heard the door bell. Colby and I got up and left our room. Colby got the door and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water. a few seconds later the dogs ran in and Astra came into the kitchen and jumped at my feet. I pet her for a few seconds before I heard the boys.

"There she is." Dakota said as him Tanner and Colby walked into the kitchen. "Hi." I said as He hugged me. "Were so sorry for your loss." Dakota said as he pulled away. "Me too." Tanner said giving me a hug. "Thanks guys." I said.

We all went to the living room and sat on the couch. I leaned into Colby and he put his arm around me. We all talked for about a hour before I zoned out again wondering if Grandma Williams would come to me like Grandpa Williams has before.

I was brought out of it when a boom of thunder roared outside. I looked over as lightning flashed realizing it was pouring now. I tensed up I hated storms they have always terrified me and made me anxious. I didn't want anyone to know because I already feel dumb for being scared and I don't want them to think I'm a pathetic baby.

"Hey you alright your really tense." Colby said starting to rub my back as I sat up. "Yeah I think I just need to stretch a little then lay down for a little bit." I said getting up. "Ok babe." Colby said. I walked into our bedroom and shut the door.

I got into bed and laid down and tried to relax. A bright flash lit up the room then a boom that shook the house followed. I felt my self start to shake. 15 minutes later Colby walked in. "Hey the guy's are leaving if you wanna say bye." He said. "Ok I will be right out." I said as he left.

I got out of bed and took a deep breath then walked out and into the entry way. I hugged the guys bye and thanked them for taking care of the dogs before they left. Colby shut and locked the door behind them. He turned around and smiled at me.

He hugged me for a second then pulled back keeping his hands on my arms. "You okay your shaking." he said. "Yeah I'm just cold." I said quickly lying. "You sure." He said. I nodded. "Okay I have to respond to some emails quick in the office." He said. "Ok I'm gonna go lay down." I said. "Okay." Colby said then kissed my forehead before he walked into the office.

I returned to the bedroom and got back in be. I sat there for a few minutes before the storm got worse. I was shaking and had tears rolling down my cheeks. 10 minutes later Colby walked into the bedroom and shut the door behind him

"Ok emails are done and n..." He stopped making eye contact with me. "Oh Babygirl what's wrong." He said as he walked over. I reached my arms out to him as he got into bed with me . He wrapped his arms around me pulling me against his chest then resting his head on top of mine.

Lightning lit up the room then another ground shaking rumble making me grip Colby's shirt. "Storm's terrify me and make me anxious." I said softly crying. "Marissa baby why didn't you tell me." He said rubbing my back. "Because I'm embarrassed that as an adult they still scare me." I said.

"Princess I would never judge you at all especially with fears. Fears are something everyone has okay Just let me know though so I can help you." Colby said and I nodded. I flinched and whimpered as I hid my face against Colby's chest when thunder shook the house again.

"Hey hey what can I do baby." Colby asked me. "I don't know." I said. "Okay can you try and tell me what about storms scare you so I can try and Help." He said. "I....Im scared of something happening and hurting us like a..a window breaking or..or a tornado or a tree hitting the house Im scared of the power going out." I said through tears.

"Ok baby for the windows we can get some storm shutters. Luckily there are no big tree's in the yard. If the power goes out we have flashlights and a lot of batteries and a crank power one and crank power radio. And if there ever were a tornado we would go to the basement and into the bathroom because it has no windows and is the safest." Colby said.

"Ok..kay." I said sniffling. "Shhh take some deep breaths we are safe." He said and softly pet my head. I took some deep breaths and slowly calmed down. "That's my girl." Colby said softly and rubbed my belly. I felt Everest kick by Colby's hand making me smile a bit.

"Hey buddy." Colby said softly. Yesterday was 27 weeks so I was officially 7 months pregnant and in my third trimester. I pulled my shirt up so my belly was out. My skin on it was so tight it was uncomfortable. Colby kissed my stomach. I looked like I was 9 months pregnant and I still had 3 more months.

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. Colby sat up and kissed my head. "You tired babe?" Colby asked me. I nodded. Colby helped me lay down and get comfortable with the pregnancy pillow then laid with me and pulled the covers over us and wrapped his arm around me rubbing my stomach. He hummed some song I didnt have time to figure out what it was before I drifted off to sleep.


I heard Marissa's breathing even out and felt her relax. I looked at her eyes and saw she was asleep. I kissed her head softly before I carefully and quietly got out of bed. I left our room shutting the door softly behind me. I walked into the office and sat at my desk. I looked at my phone 9:30pm. I saw I had a missed call from Sam.

I called him back. "Hey." Sam answered. "Hey sorry I missed your call everything alright." I asked. "Yeah just checking in how is Marissa doing." He asked. I sighed and rubbed my face. "she is as good as she can be considering." I said "Yeah how was her family." He asked "Good everyone was supportive except Elizabeth and kara and avery. they laughed at her at the cemetary when she was crying but brent took care of it." I said "I'm glad he said something." Sam said. "Me too" I replied. "Alright I let you go man talk to you soon bye." Sam said "By brother." I said then ended the call.

I got back into bed with Marissa and wrapped my arm around her. I smiled feeling Everest kick. I loved this girl so much.

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