Andy's heart condition

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Barry tried calming me down but nothing was working! "Andy has a really bad heart condition and I'm worried about him!" I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe! Robin went looking for Andy and was calling him! "Andrew?!" Robin continued yelling for him! finally he found Andy on his bed crying! "Andrew why didn't you tell us?" Robin asked concerned! "I didn't know how Robin!" Andy was crying just as hard as I was! everybody was heartbroken! "there's nothing they can do about it Robin! I don't know what to do!" he tried to stop crying but he couldn't! Andy had been addicted to cocaine for a long time before I met him and Robin was trying to help him! "well you know Andy if you weren't on drugs this wouldn't have happened!" Robin told him gently! "but I get it! I was like that too when we found our first fame! Remember what happened to me?" Andy nodded his head! "yeah you were on your amphetamines for a long time!" Andy said finally calming down! "yeah and I had a hard time stopping just like you! but the day I met Kenzie was the last day I took them!" Robin smiled at me! "I quit for her!" Andy smiled at me! "you can quit too Andy! I know you can!" Robin encouraged his little brother! "you just have to have self-confidence! you're nothing without that Andy! you have to love yourself the way we love you!" I told him holding both of his hands! Andy decided that day that he was going to quit for himself and for his family because he loved us so much! later that week was Andy's 29th birthday! I was gonna take him out for breakfast and shopping and lunch until the house was decorated for his surprise party! me and Robin had everything planned! but Andy was nowhere to be found! I texted him and he told me he'd call around noon! noon came and my phone rang! "hello?" I answered! "sissy?" it was Andy! "ANDY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! NOBODY CAN FIND YOU! WE'RE ALL WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" I said freaking out on him! "sissy calm down! I'm in rehab! I checked myself in and I'm staying until I can get clean and stay that way!" Andy replied to me freaking out! "they're letting me out on a pass for my birthday so I can spend the day with my family but I have to be back at a certain time if I don't have an overnight pass! but I'm getting an overnight pass for my birthday and they're letting me come home!" Andy was really changing his life! 

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