finally home

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a few days later I finally got out of the hospital! I finally got to go home and see my kids! the second I walked in the door Allison screamed at the top of her lungs! "MAMA!" she hugged me tight and kissed my cheek! I just squeezed her lightly and hugged her! Robin came up behind me rubbing my back! "the kids really missed you!" Robin said bringing the twins into the living room! I hugged and kissed the twins and we all sat down on the couch and watched TV for a little bit! I tried to get up to go make lunch but Robin sat me back down! "you stay with the babies! I got lunch for you!" he said making sure I relax! Robin turned on the radio and asked if I wanted to dance! "what about you wanting me to relax?" I asked giggling! "dancing always helps you relax remember?" he laughed! I grabbed my Johnny Cash CD and we danced to country music all day long! we had so much fun that we didn't realize what time it was! we went to bed and I crashed the instant I hit the pillow! it felt good to finally sleep in bed with my husband again! he cuddled me and sent a picture of me sleeping to Dwina! Dwina texted me the next morning telling me how cute I looked sleeping! "see what you did! you got her calling me cute!" I giggled showing Robin the text! Robin laughed! "you are cute when you sleep!" Robin said kissing my head! Allison started screaming for Robin and he walked in and put his hands on his hips! "what do you want you silly girl?" he said playing with her! "dada hold!" she said laughing! he brought Allison into the room and I kissed her head! "hi mama!" she said with a smile! "hi baby! did you sleep okay?" I asked! she nodded her head! "love mama!" she said hugging me! "I love you too baby girl!" "love dada!" she hugged him! "I love you too Allison Autumn!" he hugged her tight and put her down so she could play!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now