high fever

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"I found out why she keeps having seizures bear!" Linda said to him! "Why's she having so many seizures?" Linda pulled him and Robin out into the hallway leaving the door open so they could keep an eye on me! "She has a very high fever bear!" Linda said! "Robin go take care of her okay? I'll go make her some broth!" Linda said as she headed down the stairs and into the kitchen! Robin held my hand! "It's gonna be okay princess! We're gonna get through this together like we always do!" Robin kissed my head and wiped me down! "She's really sweating Baz!" I moaned and tried to talk! "No no no don't talk!" Robin said in that caring voice that always made me feel better! "Robin..." I squeaked! "Shhhh I'm here! It's gonna be okay!" I started breathing heavily with my whole body shaking! "LINDA SHE'S HAVING A BIG ONE! SHE'S CONVULSING!" Barry screamed! Linda ran like hell up the stairs! "It's okay sweetie! Sissy's here!" She said as she held my hand! "Should we call 911?" Robin asked worriedly! "Not yet but have your phone ready just in case she gets worse!" Linda replied! "If she convulses again let me know!" Linda went back to the kitchen and continued making my broth! "Come on princess please come out of this!" Robin started crying! Barry noticed I wasn't moving! "Rob is she breathing?" Barry was anxious! Robin looked over to see if I was breathing! "LINDA! LINDA!" Robin ran downstairs to the kitchen! "Linda call 911 she's not breathing!" Robin started crying! Linda called 911 and ran up to my room! Barry we need to get her on the floor and start CPR!" Robin watched in horror! He didn't know what else to do! Robin went downstairs to call Dwina and let her know what was going on! "Oh my god! Is she gonna be okay?!" Dwina asked panicked! "I don't know! Dwina I need you to stay with the kids okay?" Robin cried! "Okay songbird I will!" Dwina replied! "ROB SHE'S BREATHING!" Barry yelled from the top of the steps! "Robin..." I whispered almost out of breath! "I'm here princess! I'm here! Please get better! For me?" He begged! But I'd gone unconscious again! Robin held me to his chest! "Please god let her get better!" He whispered! "I promise I'll never hurt her like that again!" He cried! All of a sudden I started coughing! "Princess?" Robin asked hopefully! I was still weak but I managed to grab his hand and squeeze as tight as I could!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now