staying put!

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I continued telling Olivia everything! Especially how Andy's been in rehab getting himself clean and staying that way! I'd never seen her look prouder of him! I went out to lunch with Olivia while the boys checked into our hotel rooms and got our luggage put in our rooms! Olivia had always been there for me ever since me and Robin started dating and I was gonna tell her everything! All of a sudden me and Olivia both recieved a notification from Barry! "Mass texting again!" I giggled! I really had to teach him to stop doing that! "What's it say?" I asked her! "He wants us back at the hotel asap!" She replied! We quickly finished lunch and I put the rest of mine in a to go box for Robin! "Do you always save some for Robin?" Olivia asked curiously! "Yep! All the time!" I giggled! "He always appreciates the gesture doesn't he?" She asked again! "Yeah he does! I've been doing this since we moved in together!" I giggled again! She laughed and when we got in the car we blasted bee gees songs all the way back to the hotel! I ran and jumped onto Robin's back laughing! "We recieved a text from Barry telling me and Livvy to get back here asap! What does he want?" I asked trying to play around with him! "Actually princess that was me using Barry's phone mine died and he has his on mass text still and I don't know how to take it off!" He said fumbling his words! "What's wrong Robin?" I asked starting to worry! He turned around to face me with tears in his eyes! "Princess it's better you stay here in Florida with Olivia for a while!" He said trying not to cry! "Why baby what's wrong?" I asked! Robin couldn't tell me so I ran up to Barry's room! As soon as I reached his door I knocked frantically! "BARRY? BARRY OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE?!" I screamed! The second he opened the door he knew something was wrong by the look on my face!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now