fatal heart attack

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EMTs finally arrived and took me to the hospital! Robin held me in his arms and sang to me! they were working on their living eyes album and I already had a favorite song! Robin knew I loved don't fall in love with me so he sang it to me over and over as he held me! "please don't leave me!" he whispered! I squeezed his hand as tight as I could! and he squeezed it back to let me know he was there! the doctor pulled Robin to the side and told him that I'd had a fatal heart attack and I was lucky to still be alive! Robin knew he had something to do with keeping me alive and he smiled! "I'm glad she's okay! I don't know what I'd do without her!" he smiled!  Dwina ran into the room and I smiled at her! "are you okay?!" she said panicking! "I'm fine Dwina! I promise!" I told her as I hugged her as tight as I could! I could tell by the way she was holding me that she was worried! I just hugged her and Robin as tight as I could! "Robin you did something to keep her here! what was it?" Dwina asked curiously! "all I did was sing to her!" Robin grinned! "he sang my favorite song!" I said looking up at him and smiling! Robin started humming it and I fell asleep in his arms! the doctor came in and told Robin I could go home in a few days! he nodded his head and kissed me! "I'm glad you're still here!" he whispered while kissing my head! pretty soon Dwina was laying on my right Robin was on my left and I was in the middle cuddling with both of them! we all took a nap together and enjoyed every second of it! Robin woke up a few hours later and left to get me a present! he woke me up when he came back and handed me a box! "open it!" he said kissing my head again! I opened it and it was a teddy bear! Robin always bought me little stuffed animals and this time I loved it more than any of the other stuffed animals I had from him! especially because he stitched his initials on my teddy bear! I cried and kissed him and couldn't stop! how could I possibly love someone this much?

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now