a devastating blow

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Months after the surgery I was finally healed! I started talking again! Robin was relieved to hear the sound of my voice again! He'd missed it and I could tell! But pretty soon I'd have the biggest test of my life! Trying to sing! That was my biggest fear! What if I couldn't sing anymore? What would happen to my career if I couldn't sing anymore? Robin pulled me out of my thoughts! "Princess you okay?" Robin asked! "I'm worried firebug!" I told him while pacing back and forth! "About whether you're able to sing or not?" Robin asked! "Yeah! I mean what if I can't sing anymore! I'm nothing if I can't sing!" I cried! Robin grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a hug! "Shhhh no matter what we're in this together!" Robin said wiping away my tears! "There! Now you stop crying! You're too beautiful to cry!" Robin said making me smile! I kissed him! "I love you Robin Hugh Gibb!" I said through tears! "I love you more kenzie! Never forget that!" Robin kept wiping away my tears! "You're perfectly imperfect! And you're mine!" Robin's words kept running through my head making me smile! All of a sudden Olivia ran in! "Did you do it yet? Can you still sing?" She asked excitedly! "We don't know yet! We're still waiting for the doctor!" I said! She hugged me tight! All of a sudden Robin's phone rang! Robin stepped out of the room and me and Olivia sat there talking! Robin walked back into the room looking defeated! "Baby what's wrong?" I asked voicing my concern! "That was the record label! They said if you can't sing they're gonna have to drop you!" Robin said with tears in his eyes! Finally the doctor walked in!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now