suing the label

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Barry called his lawyer and Robin called mine! Considering I was still just a touch squeaky when I talked! But when I sang I was perfect! Robin came into the room! "Baby we have a case! We're suing the label for wrongfully dropping you! I'm sorry they did that to you baby!" He said pulling me into a hug! "I thought that was our forever label! They didn't even give me time to heal!" I said crying! "Shhhh I know!" He said as he rubbed my head! Robin continued rubbing my head until I fell asleep in his arms! He sent a picture of me sleeping to Dwina! Dwina came up the stairs as quietly as she could and quietly climbed into bed and cuddled up next to me kissing my head! "I love you baby girl!" She whispered before falling asleep! A few hours later Allison came in and saw all of us asleep! "Mama Dwina?" Allison whispered! She opened her eyes and saw Allison! "Mmmmm what is it honey?" She asked! "Up!" Allison whispered to her! Dwina picked her up and put her in the bed next to Robin! "Dada wake up!" She whispered! Robin woke up and saw what time it was! "Princess wake up! We gotta go make dinner!" He giggled! I giggled! "Go make it then!" I laughed as I rolled over to cuddle with Dwina! "Mama wake up!" Allison giggled as she crawled all over me! I grabbed her and started tickling her! "Who do you think you are bossing me around!" Allison laughed harder! "MAMA NO TICKLE!" Pretty soon Robin and Dwina joined on tickling her! An hour after we ate dinner we heard the doorbell! "I'll get it!" Dwina said! "ROBIN KENZIE IT'S FOR YOU!" Dwina yelled! Robin and I walked over to the door! "Vic hi!" I said as I greeted him! "Ello darling!" He said in his thick british accent! "Hey hey!" Robin said jokingly! He knew me and vic were good friends since I first moved to England! We talked about what had happened and he asked if we wanted to sue the label for everything they were worth! Robin out of spite and wanting revenge said yes! I, on the other hand, didn't get a say in this situation!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now