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we went down for breakfast! I was holding Allison in one arm and the other arm was wrapped around Robin's waist! all of a sudden there was a knock on the door! I had a bad feeling and told Robin not to answer the door! but as usual he didn't listen to a word I'd said! Robin opened the door and my parents started cussing him out for taking me away from them! I ran upstairs before they saw the baby and put her in her crib and locked her in the nursery so they couldn't get to her! the second I hit the top of the stairs I heard a loud bang and I heard Linda and Yvonne screaming! Linda had come over to help me with Allison for the day and her blood-curdling scream instantly made me jump! I ran to the bottom of the stairs as fast as I could and saw Robin laying in a pool of blood! I ran to him and held him crying! Yvonne was already on the phone calling 911 and I tried keeping Robin awake! Robin kept mumbling and I couldn't understand a thing he was saying! after 5 minutes I called him repeatedly and he wasn't responding to me! "YVONNE HE'S NOT RESPONDING TO ME CALLING HIM!" I was starting to panic! it felt like forever when EMTs finally showed up! Yvonne pulled me away so they could work on Robin and get him to the hospital! 

*at the hospital* 

we got to the hospital and I asked for Robin's room! "he's down the hall and to the right very last door!" the nurse said as I took off running down the hall! "baby?!" I started panicking again! "he's in a coma! but he's gonna make it!" the doctor said as tears were streaming down my face! I called Maurice and Andy and told them what happened! after I got off the phone with them I sat there with Robin holding his hand and talking to him! "I love you baby! Allison's safe! she's staying with your mom!" I kissed his head and the second he heard about Allison he grabbed my hand! I called the doctor into the room! "I think he may be waking up!" I said to the doctor as Robin kept grabbing my hand! "Robin I'm right here baby!" I said to him trying to keep him calm! I knew Robin was freaking out! I knew he was worried about his family! I could feel his anxiety more than I could feel mine! I was just glad he was okay!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now