early day in the studio

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Robin jumped out of the shower and got dressed! I was already waiting in the car so I could drop him off! we got to the studio and kissed each other goodbye! "I'll call you when I'm done and I might not need you to pick me up! I'll get a ride from Barry or Maurice!" he said kissing me over and over! "okay okay! get in there before you're late!" I said giggling! "I love you princess!" he said kissing me one last time! "I love you too firebug! say hi to the boys for me!" as I drove away I had an uneasy feeling! I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed call from my best friend! I called her back and asked her what was up! "your mom found where the boys are recording! did you drop Robin off yet?" she asked frantically! "yeah I just dropped him off and was about to drive home! what's going on?" I panicked! "she's in there waiting for Robin to show up!" I hung up and ran inside looking for him! I found him just before he opened the door! "Robin!" I whispered! "princess what are you doing here and why are you whispering?" Robin looked concerned! I dragged him outside so we could talk! "we need to go home now! it's not safe!" I said panicking more now! "what do you mean it's not safe? baby what is it? what's wrong?" he knew something was up! "mom's in there waiting for you!" I told him trying to hold back tears! "I caught you in time before you opened the door! I was afraid something already happened to you!" I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe! Robin got on the driver's side and we drove as far away as we could! Robin drove us to a little restaurant and we sat and talked! he ordered us breakfast but I barely ate! "princess you need to eat! especially with those twins in there!" he said even more concerned about the fact I wasn't eating! I started going into pre-term labor! I screamed in pain! Robin called 911 and ran to my side and held me! "it's gonna be okay baby I'm right here!" he whispered in my ear while kissing my head!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now