Andy in rehab

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It was summer once again! Andy had been in rehab for a year now and was doing great from what I was told! I decided to surprise him and go see him! I got ready to leave when Robin suddenly pulled me in for a kiss! "Where do you think you're going Mrs. Gibb?" He asked me! "I'm gonna go see Andy and surprise him!" I said giggling! "Oh you are huh?" Robin said pouting! "Only for a couple hours baby! I just wanna see him! We didn't get to see him for his birthday this year due to that big storm so I'm gonna go see him so at least he sees somebody!" I explained while kissing his pouty lips! "Well be careful okay?" He said kissing my forehead! This man was always so worried about me! "I'll take care of the baby okay?" He said picking Allison up! She was such a daddy's girl! I kissed both of them and left! I got to the rehab center Andy was at and signed in! They found a place for me to hide and called him out of his room! "Andy there's a surprise waiting for you!" A nurse told him! He was looking everywhere! I popped out from where I was hiding and ran to hug him! "ANDY!" I shouted as I hugged him! He hugged me back tighter! "Sissy you came to see me?" He asked! I was crying he looked so different! But it was a good different! A healthier happier different! "Yeah I did!" I responded! We were both so happy we were crying! He showed me around and showed me his favorite activities to do there! I was nothing but smiles the whole time meeting Andy's new friends! Everybody asked me about Robin! Especially the girls! One of the girls I recognized! It was one of the girls he had dated long before he met me! (Again not Dwina! She comes in later in the story!) She looked me up and down smiling! "Robin picked a sweet girl!" She told me still smiling! "Thank you!" I said smiling back! She took my hand and walked me around! "How is he?" She asked me! "He's amazing!" I said back to her! She asked if he was still on his amphetamines! "No! He surprised me when he said he quit the day he met me! He quit for me!" I told her! "Something about you changed him for the better!" She said trying not to cry! "Why are you crying?" I asked her! "I just wish he'd have changed for me the way he changed for you!" Now she was crying! I just sat there and held her while she cried! After seeing Andy I went back home!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora