first date with Dwina

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it was a nice hot summer day and the twins and Allison were all outside playing! Allison had just turned 2 years old a couple months ago! and she already was obsessed with Dwina! Dwina and Maurice were crawling all over her and she was playing with them! Robin looked out into the garden to see Dwina with the kids! "that's so cute! the kids already love her!" Robin said with a smile! we took out our picnic basket full of food and took out a cooler full of soda and had a picnic in the garden laughing and talking! we had been seeing Dwina for a few months but this was our first official date! most of our dates were just coffee and that's it! we were ready for more than just small talk over coffee! after we ate we sat and told stories and talked about random things! all of a sudden in the middle of me talking Dwina bent down and kissed me! I was caught off guard but started giggling nervously! I'd never kissed a girl before Dwina and I didn't know how to feel! I couldn't believe Dwina had kissed me! so in response in the middle of her conversation I did the same thing to her! "how'd you like it?" I giggled! she shot me a look of I was gonna get it! and I ran as fast as I could! she chased me around the garden and caught me pulling me in for another kiss! I put my finger to her lips! "wait a minute before you kiss me!" I said breathlessly! I finally caught my breath and kissed her before she could kiss me again! Robin just started giggling! "you two are so cute! but where are my kisses at?" he said smirking at me and Dwina! I ran over to him and jumped into his arms kissing him passionately! "mmmmm someone's been watching classic movies again!" Robin said giggling! Dwina walked over and kissed him passionately! "yeah she watches them with me! we learn from all the Hollywood girls!" Dwina said giggling back at him!

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