Robin's story pt 2

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Kenzie's POV

another pregnancy I can't take this! I can't understand why I'm throwing up so much! I have a doctor's appointment a week from now so hopefully I don't throw up within that time period! no wonder I was freaking out about my period being two weeks late! I went to Linda crying and she helped me out like the big sister she is! Linda's a few years older than me and I look up to her! I love her like a big sister and she loves me like a little sister so our relationship is pretty amazing! Robin sat me down and told me all about his past! everything from when he was a kid until before we met! "wow Robin! you've been through a lot!" I told him shocked about pretty much everything! "I've been through a lot too! my only escape was music and Bee Gees covers! the only thing that really got me through everything was you!" I told him trying not to cry! "and now here we are married and I'm having your kids! and I couldn't be any happier than I am now! because of you I'm less traumatized, I smile more, I cry happy tears instead of sad depressive tears, you make me laugh and cry and get angry all at the same time and I can't stop loving you!" I hugged him as tight as I could and I didn't let go! 

*a week later*

"ROBIN I'M GETTING READY TO LEAVE! I'LL BE BACK SOON LOVE!" I yelled as I headed out the door! Robin ran as quick as he could and caught me before I got out the door! "you're not going anywhere without a kiss!" he said pulling me in! Yvonne was waiting for me in the car! Barry had moved out a month ago when him and Linda finally tied the knot! Linda texted me and wished me good luck at my doctor's appt and told me to call her when I was done! we went to my appointment and walked into a room! they got the ultrasound ready and Yvonne couldn't stop holding my hand! she was just as nervous as I was if not more! we did the ultrasound only to find out there were two babies inside of me! I was shocked and Yvonne was hugging me as tight as she could! we got in the car and I called Linda! "Linda you'll never believe it!" I told her still in shock! "what's wrong sweetie?" she asked sounding a little concerned! "can you meet me and Yvonne for coffee like right now?" I asked! "our usual spot? Dunkin' Donuts?" she asked! "uh huh!" I said nervously! "are you alright honey? you sound really nervous!" she said concerned more than she was before! "I'm fine just in shock!" I told her staring out the window now! we all met at Dunkin' Donuts and had coffee and talked! "Linda Kenzie's got something to tell you!" Yvonne said when she sat down! "Linda I'm pregnant with twins!" I told her crying! she hugged me and wiped my tears! "honey don't cry! it's okay!" she said trying to calm me down! "how am I gonna tell Robin?" I cried harder this time! "come on we'll take you home and help you tell him okay?" Linda asked with a smile! Linda and Yvonne drove me home and we devised a plan on how to tell Robin!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang