going home

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Robin was having a little trouble sitting up cause he was still in a little bit of pain! but it wasn't as bad as it used to be! I helped him sit up and the doctor came in! "Robin's looking better and he's getting stronger every day! he's ready to go home whenever!" Robin just looked at me and smiled! I still hugged him gently since he was still in pain! he wrapped his arms around me and held me! "I heard everything you were saying to me princess!" he said with a smile! "I never left your side! not for a single second!" I replied back to him! "I know! you held my hand the whole entire time! I felt you and heard you!" Robin replied back again still smiling! I kissed him and felt the same old butterfly feeling in my stomach! "those damn butterflies!" I said giggling! Robin just kissed me again and we walked out to the car! Maurice was waiting for us outside! "hey bro you okay?" Maurice asked as Robin walked out! "I'm okay! I have my family and they're safe! so I'm okay!" Robin said as he hugged his brother! Yvonne opened the door so Robin could get in the car! "Kenzie was really freaked out Robin! she thought she was gonna lose you!" Yvonne told him as he sat down! he just looked at me and smiled! "not this guy! you'll never ever lose me!" I sat in the back seat with Robin and laid my head on his shoulder! I barely got any sleep the past couple months cause I was up all night with Robin in case he woke up! we got home and walked Robin in the door! Robin's mom came up to him and hugged him gently! "Robin someone's waiting to see you!" she said as Barry brought Allison out! "DADA!" Allison shouted when she saw Robin! Robin instantly grabbed her and hugged her tight! Allison saw me and went nuts! she hugged both of us tight and Robin kissed her cheek! we took her upstairs into our room and played with her for hours! I looked at Robin and everything felt like it was slowly going back to normal!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now